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MEPs have adopted their position on revised rules to boost victims’ rights and make reporting a crime safer.

Europos Parlamentas trečiadienį balsavo už dešimt teisės aktų, kuriais reformuojama Europos migracijos ir prieglobsčio politika.

Trečiadienį europarlamentarai nusprendė iki 2026 m. balandžio pratęsti ES privatumo apsaugos taisyklių išimties, leidžiančios aptikti vaikų seksualinio išnaudojimo internete turinį, taikymą.

MEPs agreed on a faster procedure for granting or withdrawing international protection and returns applicable in all EU member states and replacing national procedures.

Registered asylum-applicants will be able to start working sooner and their integration prospects will improve, under a draft law agreed by Parliament and Council.

MEPs backed on Wednesday EU resettlement rules to strengthen solidarity with countries hosting large number of displaced persons and reduce irregular and dangerous migratory movements.

The European Parliament has adopted its position on new procedural rules for the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation.

On Wednesday Parliament approved a new EU asylum and migration policy based on the principle of solidarity and the fair sharing of responsibility.

MEPs endorsed a more effective system to identify people arriving into the EU, with improved statistics and better data protection safeguards.

The EU response in the case of a migration and asylum crisis should be based on reinforced solidarity and support to the member states in need.