
De workshops worden georganiseerd door de beleidsondersteunende afdelingen en bieden de leden de gelegenheid vragen te stellen aan en van gedachten te wisselen met deskundigen over onderwerpen in verband met de parlementaire werkzaamheden of over actuele onderwerpen. Zij zijn niet noodzakelijk openbaar, maar kunnen tijdens een commissievergadering plaatsvinden.

Workshops hold during the previous parliamentary term: click here

EFSA study

Independence and transparency policies of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Last item in the Envi Committee agenda

microbiologist using a microscope

Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) refers to new medical products that use gene therapy, cell therapy, and tissue engineering. They can be used to treat diseases or injuries, such as skin in burns victims, Alzheimer's, and cancer or muscular dystrophy, and have huge potential for the future of medicine.

novel tobacco product

Although conventional cigarettes remain the main mode of tobacco consumption, non-combustible tobacco and nicotine products have developed rapidly in the last fifteen years, and their use is expected to continue growing in the coming years. This workshop will discuss health and regulatory aspects of these novel tobacco and nicotine products.

antimicrobial medicinal products

The workshop will present the current situation in Europe and worldwide regarding the accessibility and availability of antimicrobial products and the needs for new ones. It will then focus on the challenges and the available policy options to improve the discovery, development and availability of antimicrobial pharmaceutical products.

The purpose of this training, that took place twice on 14 and 21 Jan 2022, is to provide MEP assistants and advisors working on the Fit for 2030 package with technical knowledge on how to construct and present amendments to amending acts in the AT4AM system.

Complementary Integrative Medicine therapies

The aim of this workshop in the form of a webinar is to provide background and technical information and advice to the members of the ENVI Committee on the latest findings and trends in the field of complementary and alternative therapies as well as to present the benefits of CIM and some examples and latest results.

Healthy Life, Healthy Food

This public webinar aims to get first-hand insights from practitioners and European policymakers on the concrete actions that Europe should propose to tackle the rise of obesity rates, especially in children in the EU.

Equal access to medicine and therapies

The Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe adopted by the EC on 25/11/2020 is based on legislative and non-legislative action. It will create a future proof regulatory framework and support the industry in promoting research and technologies that actually reach patients. It will also take into account the weaknesses exposed by the coronavirus pandemic. In this context, the ENVI Health Working Group will bring together different external experts for exchanges of views.

cargo shipping containers

To achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the EU has adopted a more ambitious EU-wide, economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 55% by 2030 compared to 1990. Among the proposals for revisions of relevant legislative measures to deliver on the increased climate ambition is the review of Emissions Trading System (ETS) and its extension to the transport sectors. The workshop should prepare for the upcoming legislative package of proposals in June 2021.


To achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the EU has adopted a more ambitious EU-wide, economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 55% by 2030 compared to 1990.

Mental health

The Health Working Group of the ENVI Committee requested the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies to organise a webinar on the issue of mental health, covering issues such as the impediments to mental health care, the costs of neglecting Mental Health care, COVID-19 fatigue and the consequences of the emergency status we are experiencing in Europe, affecting both the economic and the social lives of all citizens.

Dry countryside with one green tree in the shape of a heart

The Health Working Group of the ENVI Committee requested the Policy Department A to organise a webinar on the issue of climate change and health, covering issues such as climate threat on physical health, the mental charge of climate change on vulnerable groups and regions and food and nutrition security concerns caused by climate change.



beleidsondersteunende afdeling Economische Zaken, Wetenschapsbeleid en Levenskwaliteit