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On Monday, Parliament and Council reached a new provisional agreement on extending temporary trade measures for Ukraine.

On 25-26 March, MEPs discussed with high-level politicians and civil society representatives in Kyiv the need to step-up EU support for Ukraine.

On Wednesday, Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on extending trade liberalisation measures for Ukraine in the face of Russia’s war of aggression.

On Thursday, negotiators from Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on updating rules to trace import and export of civilian firearms more effectively.

PE a aprobat reînnoirea măsurilor de liberalizare a comerțului pentru Republica Moldova și a modificat propunerea privind Ucraina pentru a consolida garanțiile pentru fermierii din UE.

MEPs on the International Trade Committee endorsed the extension of trade liberalisation measures to support Ukraine and Moldova in the face of Russia’s war.

Early Tuesday, negotiators from Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on new rules that ban products made with forced labour from the EU market.

On Thursday, MEPs approved the EU-Chile Advanced Framework Agreement and its complementing deal on trade and investment liberalisation.

Declaración de Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero, presidenta de la Comisión Parlamentaria Mixta UE-Chile, tras la aprobación por el Parlamento Europeo del Acuerdo Marco Avanzado UE-Chile.

On Thursday, MEPs voted to approve the EU’s Economic Partnership Agreement with Kenya, East Africa's main economic hub.