Child sexual abuse and exploitation online and offline

Subject file on child sexual abuse online and offline
child-abuse © European Union 2017 - European Parliament

In December 2011 the European Parliament and the Council adopted Directive 2011/93/EU on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography which establishes minimum rules concerning the definition of criminal offences and sanctions in the area of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children, child pornography and solicitation of children for sexual purposes and follows the holistic approach required to fight these crimes effectively.

The Member States had 18 December 2013 as a deadline for its transposition.
In accordance with Article 28 of Directive 2011/93/EU in December 2016 the Commission published two reports on its implementation which assessed the extent to which the Member States have taken measures to comply with the Directive as well as the implementation of Article 25 of Directive 2011/93/EU on measures for removal of and blocking access to web pages containing or disseminating child pornography. Despite the significant efforts made by the Member States in the transposition of this particular Article, there is still room to use its potential to the full by continuing to work on its complete and correct implementation across Member States. In its resolution of 11 March 2015 on child sexual abuse online the European Parliament recognised the need for further measures to protect children from sexual abuse online and to fight effectively the child sexual offences committed by using Internet.