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MEPs have adopted their position on revised rules to boost victims’ rights and make reporting a crime safer.

Poslanci naliehajú na Radu, aby do Charty základných práv EÚ pridala sexuálnu a reprodukčnú zdravotnú starostlivosť a právo na bezpečné a legálne prerušenie tehotenstva.

On Wednesday, MEPs adopted a directive to ensure that new anti-discrimination rules are effectively applied and enforced in the EU.

Urging for women’s poverty to be tackled, a delegation of the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee participated in the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

From 18 to 21 March, a delegation of the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee will attend the UN Commission on the Status of Women and hold meetings on women’s rights.

On Thursday, the committees on Women’s Rights and Civil Liberties adopted a draft position on revised rules to boost victims’ rights and make reporting a crime safer.

Na slávnosti pri príležitosti Medzinárodného dňa žien sa Ivana Andrés a Alba Redondo zo španielskeho ženského národného futbalového tímu prihovorili poslancom v Štrasburgu.

On Tuesday, Parliament gave its consent to the Council decision inviting member states to ratify the International Labour Organisation’s Violence and Harassment Convention.

On International Women’s day, Chair of the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee Robert Biedroń issued the following statement.

MEPs, national MPs and experts discussed women in sport and how action must be taken to address multiple forms of inequality, at an inter-parliamentary committee meeting on Thursday.