Rialacha Nós Imeachta

Rules of the EU-Moldova PAC

RULES OF PROCEDURE of the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee
established on the basis of Article 440, paragraph 1of the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Moldova , of the other part (Adopted by the Bureau on 23 November 2015)

Article 1

The EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee is the parliamentary forum of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement.

It shall meet and exchange views on all aspects of the relations between the EU and the Republic of Moldova arising within the framework of the Association Agreement and any other issues of mutual interest.

Article 2

The EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee shall be composed of an equal number of members appointed, respectively, by the European Parliament and by the Moldovan Parliament.

The term of office of the members shall be decided in accordance with the rules and practice, respectively, of the European Parliament and the Moldovan Parliament.

Article 3

In accordance with Article 441 (4) of the Association Agreement, the Parliamentary Association Committee may establish Parliamentary Association sub-committees.

The objective of the Parliamentary Association sub-committees is to deepen the parliamentary dialogue in certain areas of co-operation and provide input to the work of the Parliamentary Association Committee. The present Rules of Procedure shall apply by analogy to the work of the sub-committees, if they are established.

Article 4

The Bureau of the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the delegation of the European Parliament, the Chairman of the delegation of the Moldovan Parliament, (hereafter referred to as the Co-Chairmen) and two Vice-Chairmen of each delegation.

The Bureau shall adopt its decisions by a two-thirds majority of the members present.

The Committee shall be presided in turn by the Chairman of the European Parliament delegation and the Chairman of the Moldovan Parliament delegation. The Chairman-in-office shall, where necessary, be replaced in all his or her functions by the first or second Vice-Chairman of his or her delegation.

Article 5

On a proposal from the Bureau of the Parliamentary Association Committee, recommendations may be made to the Association Council.

The Committee may validly adopt recommendations when one fifth of its members, including at least three members from each delegation, are actually present.

Recommendations shall be considered adopted if they receive the support of a majority of the members of the delegation of the European Parliament and of a majority of the delegation of the Moldovan Parliament. The same rule shall apply for the voting on the amendments to the Recommendations.

Amendments to the Recommendations may be tabled in writing by individual members or on behalf of political groups of the European Parliament or of the Moldovan Parliament by the deadline set by the Co-Chairmen. After that deadline, the Co-Chairmen may jointly propose compromise amendments. Oral amendments may be taken only if they are aimed at correcting factual or language mistakes, or in the event of urgent new circumstances.

Article 6

The EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee shall meet maximum two times a year, alternately in one of the workplaces of the European Parliament and in Moldova.

The draft agenda, which shall be drawn up by the Co-Chairmen, shall normally be sent to Members two weeks prior to a scheduled meeting.

Meetings shall be held in public, unless the Committee decides otherwise.

Article 7

Members of the Association Council, the Council of Ministers of the EU, and members of the European Commission and the European External Action Service, may attend and speak at meetings. Other persons may be invited to attend meetings by the Co-Chairmen.

In accordance to Article 443(3) of the Association Agreement, the Parliamentary Association Committee shall organize regular contacts with representatives of the Civil Society Platform in order to obtain their views on how to attain the objectives of the Association Agreement.

Article 8

The Secretariat of the EU- Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee shall be provided jointly by the secretariat of the European Parliament and the secretariat of the Moldovan Parliament.

Minutes of each session of the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee shall be drawn up for approval at the opening of the following meeting.

Article 9

Members may address meetings of the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee in Romanian, official language of the Republic of Moldova, as well as all other official languages of the European Union. Interpretation and translation shall be provided in accordance with the internal rules of the European Parliament.

Article 10

The travel expenses and subsistence allowances of Committee members and officials assisting them shall be paid by the Parliament that has appointed them.

Other expenses entailed by the meetings and activities of the Committee shall be apportioned between the European Parliament and the Moldovan Parliament.

Article 11

The Co-Chairmen or, at their request, the Bureau shall rule on all questions relating to the interpretation and implementation of the Rules of Procedure.

Amendments to these rules, proposed by the Parliamentary Association Committee, shall be submitted for approval to the Bureau of the European Parliament and the equivalent body of the Moldovan Parliament.

After the completion of these internal approval procedures, the Parliamentary Association Committee shall adopt the proposed amendments which shall enter into force immediately after the vote.