Last update/Dernière mise à jour: 16/02/2012 - 11:04
Delegation for relations with Iran
Délégation pour les relations avec l'Iran
Meeting / Réunion
15/02/2012 - 16:00 h.
Strasbourg - S4.2

1 OJDraft Agendade en fr
1 DVList of Members of the delegationfr
2 DVEP Resolution on Iran and its nuclear programme - 02/02/2012 (Provisional edition)de en fr
2 DVVerbatim of debate on Iran and its nuclear programme (01/02/2012)en
3 DVInteview to Tarja Cronberg, Chair of Iran Delegation (February 2012)de en fr
3 DVEP press release: MEPs support new sanctions on Irande en fr
3 DVFactsheet - The EU and Iran (30/01/2012)en fr
3 DVEU Council: Iran: New EU sanctions (23/01/2012)en
3 DVEU Council conclusions on Iran (23/01/2012)en
3 DVRemarks by HR Ashton after meeting with Foreign Minister of Brazil (07/02/2012)en
3 DVSpeech of HR Ashton on Iran and its nuclear programme (01/02/2012)en fr
3 DVStatement by HR Ashton on arrests and death sentences in Iran (31/01/2012)en fr
3 DVStatement by Spokesperson of HR Ashton on talks between E3/EU+3 and Iranen
4 DVEuropean Commission press release on Digital Agendade en fr
6 DVCalendar of meetings of the delegation for the first semester of 2012en

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