Det Forenede Kongerige

Fødselsdato : , Orsett

8. valgperiode Tim AKER

Politiske grupper

  • 01-07-2014 / 15-10-2014 : Gruppen for Europæisk Frihed og Direkte Demokrati - Medlem
  • 16-10-2014 / 19-10-2014 : Løsgængere
  • 20-10-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Gruppen for Europæisk Frihed og Direkte Demokrati - Medlem

Nationale partier

  • 01-07-2014 / 05-12-2018 : United Kingdom Independence Party (Det Forenede Kongerige)
  • 06-12-2018 / 11-02-2019 : Thurrock Independents (Det Forenede Kongerige)
  • 12-02-2019 / 01-07-2019 : The Brexit Party (Det Forenede Kongerige)


  • 01-07-2014 / 18-01-2017 : Udvalget for Andragender
  • 12-09-2016 / 18-01-2017 : Udvalget om Beskæftigelse og Sociale Anliggender
  • 19-01-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Udvalget om Beskæftigelse og Sociale Anliggender


  • 10-06-2015 / 28-08-2016 : Udvalget om Beskæftigelse og Sociale Anliggender
  • 30-08-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Udvalget om Borgernes Rettigheder og Retlige og Indre Anliggender

Vigtigste parlamentariske aktiviteter

Bidrag til plenardebatter

Indlæg under plenarforsamlingen og skriftlige erklæringer vedrørende plenardebatter. Forretningsordenens artikel 204 og artikel 171, stk. 11


Beslutningsforslag om aktuelle emner indgives på anmodning af et udvalg, en politisk gruppe eller mindst 5 % af medlemmerne og sættes under afstemning på plenarmødet. Forretningsordenens artikel 132, artikel 136, artikel 139, artikel 144

Mundtlige forespørgsler

Et udvalg, en politisk gruppe eller mindst 5 % af Parlamentets medlemmer kan stille forespørgsler til mundtlig besvarelse med forhandling til Europa-Kommissionen, Rådet eller næstformanden for Kommissionen/Unionens højtstående repræsentant. Forretningsordenens artikel 136


29-02-2016 O-000035/2016 Kommissionen

Andre parlamentariske aktiviteter

Skriftlige stemmeforklaringer

Medlemmerne kan afgive en skriftlig forklaring af, hvordan de har stemt på plenarmødet. Forretningsordenens artikel 194

Listen over de tredjelande, hvis statsborgere skal være i besiddelse af visum ved passage af de ydre grænser, og listen over de tredjelande, hvis statsborgere er fritaget for dette krav, for så vidt angår Det Forenede Kongeriges udtræden af EU (A8-0047/2019 - Sergei Stanishev) EN


. – I abstained on this legislative report. Whilst I fully support – and want – visa-free access to the EU for UK nationals after we withdraw from the EU, alterations to the text by the European Council made this report impossible to support. The reason is that, without a mandate from Parliament, the Council added text to state that Gibraltar is a ʻcolonyʼ of the British Crown. This is not only factually incorrect, as Gibraltar is designated as a British Overseas Territory, but is also highly insulting to its people, who have, in two referendums, overwhelmingly voted to remain British. I also strongly objected to the procedures employed by the institutions to instigate this change, which included unjustly removing a British rapporteur from the report and refusing to allow a full debate or amendments to be tabled. For these reasons, and whilst I would have liked to support the report, I abstained.

Retningslinjer for medlemsstaternes beskæftigelsespolitikker (A8-0177/2019 - Miroslavs Mitrofanovs) EN


. – I voted against this legislation. Employment policies should be left entirely to the Member States. There is no need for EU involvement and this is a gross violation of the internal policies of the Member States.

Håndhævelseskrav og særlige regler i forbindelse med udstationering af førere i vejtransportsektoren (A8-0206/2018 - Merja Kyllönen) EN


. – I voted against this report as it is part of the mobility package. The mobility package has been rushed through committee and is in no way ready, and should not have been presented to Plenary.

Daglig og ugentlig køretid, minimumspauser samt hviletid og lokalisering ved hjælp af takografer (A8-0205/2018 - Wim van de Camp) EN


. – I voted against this report as it is part of the mobility package. The mobility package has been rushed through committee, and is in no way ready and should not have been presented to Plenary.

Tilpasning til udviklingen i vejtransportsektoren (A8-0204/2018 - Ismail Ertug) EN


. – I voted against this report as it was looking to harmonise the road transport sector. Issues from Member State to Member State differ and a one—size—fits—all philosophy just will not work.

Fælles regler for det indre marked for naturgas (A8-0143/2018 - Jerzy Buzek) EN


. – I voted against this legislative report as I am against further EU harmonisation and against giving more power to the Commission in the energy field.

Den Europæiske Hav- og Fiskerifond (A8-0176/2019 - Gabriel Mato) EN


. – I oppose this legislation because it funds the destructive EU common fisheries policy into the next decade.

En flerårig plan for fiskeriet, der udnytter demersale bestande i det vestlige Middelhav (A8-0005/2019 - Clara Eugenia Aguilera García) EN


. – I oppose this legislation because it carries forward the damaging, destructive EU common fisheries policy.

Styrkelse af sikkerheden ved unionsborgeres identitetskort og ved opholdsdokumenter, der udstedes til unionsborgere (A8-0436/2018 - Gérard Deprez) EN


. – I voted against this legislative report. Whilst I support in principle the idea of strengthening the security of identity documents to protect them from counterfeiting, I oppose the EU’s harmonisation of these documents. Furthermore, I also believe that Member States should have the right to choose both whether to include a person’s gender on these documents and how this appears on the document. For these reasons, I voted against.

Forvaltning af vejinfrastrukturens sikkerhed (A8-0008/2019 - Daniela Aiuto) EN


. – I voted against this report because the EU is looking to harmonise such things as road signs and road markings. There is no definition as to what will be the accepted norm and the UK has the best road marking and sign posts in Europe and in no way would it be acceptable to lower our standards.

Paneuropæisk personligt pensionsprodukt (A8-0278/2018 - Sophia in 't Veld) EN


. – This is more harmonisation of the single market, this time in respect of authorisation, manufacture, distribution and supervision of pan-European personal pension products (PEPPs). Accordingly I voted against.

Balance mellem arbejdsliv og privatliv for forældre og omsorgspersoner (A8-0270/2018 - David Casa) EN


. – I voted against this legislation. Balance of work and family life, especially the division of time of work to raise children, is a decision to be made primarily by the family themselves. The EU should not attempt to influence or interfere in either the private affairs of families or the internal policies of the Member States. Any legislation made in this area should be done so by the democratically elected governments and should be light-touch.

Beskyttelse af Unionens budget i tilfælde af generaliserede mangler i medlemsstaterne for så vidt angår retsstatsprincippet (A8-0469/2018 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Petri Sarvamaa) EN


. – I voted against this legislative report closing the first reading. The report itself is an attempt to give the unelected Commission powers to cut EU funding to EU Member States it disagrees with politically. The rules within the legislation make any such measures be on the basis of a Council decision following a proposal from the Commission. The decision shall be automatically approved, unless the Council decides by QMV to reject the Commission proposal within one month of its adoption by the Commission. This is clearly the EU looking to further punish countries that it deems have broken their ‘rule of law’ principles, such as Poland and Hungary.

Den Europæiske Socialfond Plus (ESF+) (A8-0461/2018 - Verónica Lope Fontagné) EN


. – I voted against this legislation. The European Social Fund Plus brings together various different funds that are ineffective and a waste of taxpayers’ money. There is no reason to believe this will change under the new legislation.

Digitalisering af registrering og kontrol af punktafgiftspligtige varers bevægelser (omarbejdning) (A8-0010/2019 - Kay Swinburne) EN


. – This assists in the cross-border transport of goods and so may assist avoiding a hard border in Northern Ireland. Accordingly, I abstained.

Videreanvendelse af den offentlige sektors informationer (A8-0438/2018 - Neoklis Sylikiotis) EN


. – I fully agree with all parts of the report that state the importance of transparency and right to access to information. However, I have voted against this legislative report as it asks for more EU integration and harmonisation.

En flerårig genopretningsplan for sværdfisk i Middelhavet (A8-0389/2018 - Marco Affronte) EN


. – I oppose this legislation as, once again, the EU is acting like a state when it is no such thing.

Minimumsuddannelsesniveauet for søfartserhverv (A8-0007/2019 - Dominique Riquet) EN


. – I voted against this report because the EU is looking to harmonise training, however the report does not go far enough to distinguish between those who work on trawlers and those who work on ferries.

Justering af den årlige forfinansiering for årene 2021 til 2023 (A8-0181/2019 - Mirosław Piotrowski) EN


. – I have voted in favour of this first reading of the legislative report. I believe that reducing pre-financing will reduce bureaucracy and increase transparency. For this reason, I have also voted against the rejection amendment.

Midlertidig genindførelse af grænsekontrol ved de indre grænser (A8-0356/2018 - Tanja Fajon) EN


. – I have voted against this closure of the legislative report. Whilst the proposal from the Commission on this issue was fair and reasonable, the report was drastically altered and weakened by the Parliament. I therefore voted against the closure of first reading to allow for further amendments to be tabled to this report.

Skriftlige forespørgsler

Medlemmerne kan stille et specifikt antal forespørgsler til formanden for Det Europæiske Råd, Rådet, Kommissionen og næstformanden for Kommissionen/Unionens højtstående repræsentant med anmodning om skriftlig besvarelse. Forretningsordenens artikel 138, bilag III


Alle nedenstående erklæringer er underskrevet af medlemmet, selv om underskriften ikke er synlig i onlinekopien.