
Γραπτές αιτιολογήσεις ψήφου - 8η κοινοβουλευτική περίοδος Roberta METSOLA

Οι βουλευτές μπορούν να υποβάλουν γραπτή αιτιολόγηση της ψήφου τους στην ολομέλεια. Άρθρο 194 του Κανονισμού

Πρόγραμμα συνδρομής στον παροπλισμό του πυρηνοηλεκτρικού σταθμού Ignalina στη Λιθουανία (A8-0413/2018 - Rebecca Harms) EN


I voted in favour of this report, which makes crucial adjustments to the European Commission’s proposal with regard to the EU’s financial commitments to decommissioning this nuclear power plant. This report proposes a path forward to decommission the nuclear plant while minimising consequences in a variety of fields.

Ετήσια έκθεση 2017 για τον έλεγχο των χρηματοπιστωτικών δραστηριοτήτων της Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας Επενδύσεων (A8-0479/2018 - Georgi Pirinski) EN


I voted in favour of this report, which focuses on the EIB’s potential to ensure value-adding strategic public investment. It also lays out recommendations for the EIB to spread its resources more evenly across the EU.

Διασυνοριακές αιτήσεις επιστροφής έργων τέχνης και πολιτιστικών αγαθών που λεηλατήθηκαν σε περίοδο ενόπλων συγκρούσεων και πολέμων (A8-0465/2018 - Pavel Svoboda) EN


I voted in favour of this report. We cannot allow the organised and institutionalised theft of art works that took place during the Second World War to be repeated in the case of modern day conflicts and we have to reinforce the legal framework to prevent this at a European level.

Διασυνοριακές μετατροπές, συγχωνεύσεις και διασπάσεις (A8-0002/2019 - Evelyn Regner) EN


I voted in favour of this report. European businesses are facing some trouble when taking advantage of freedom of establishment rules. This report addresses how company mobility can be improved while simultaneously providing protection for employees, creditors and minority shareholders.

Θέσπιση πολυετούς σχεδίου σχετικά με τις αλιευτικές δραστηριότητες εκμετάλλευσης βενθοπελαγικών αποθεμάτων στη δυτική Μεσόγειο Θάλασσα (A8-0005/2019 - Clara Eugenia Aguilera García) EN


I voted in favour of this report, which lays out a plan for fishing in the western Mediterranean that takes into account the importance of socio-economic and environmental sustainability and that focuses on a co-management approach to managing fishing resources in this region.

Προστασία του προϋπολογισμού της Ένωσης στην περίπτωση γενικευμένων ελλείψεων όσον αφορά το κράτος δικαίου στα κράτη μέλη (A8-0469/2018 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, Petri Sarvamaa) EN


I voted in favour of the report. It is critical that the rule of law in the EU’s Member States is safeguarded and reinforced, partly to prevent any misuse of the EU’s budget.

Θέσπιση του προγράμματος «Fiscalis» για τη συνεργασία στον τομέα της φορολογίας (A8-0421/2018 - Sven Giegold) EN


I voted in favour of this report. The Fiscalis 2020 programme has contributed to facilitating and improving coordination and cooperation amongst the tax authorities within the European Union. It is a key way to protect the financial and economic interests of the EU, the Member States and taxpayers.

Θέσπιση του προγράμματος «Δικαιώματα και αξίες» (A8-0468/2018 - Bodil Valero) EN


I voted in favour of this report. Respect for the rule of law in the EU is indispensable in protecting fundamental rights and to guarantee that all those rights and obligations enshrined in the Treaties are upheld. The report calls for the programme to prioritise protecting and promoting democracy and the rule of law in the Member States, also through safeguarding the independence of the judiciary, transparency, supporting human rights and ensuring the impartiality of law enforcement authorities. The report lays out a plan for access to funding for this programme and the required budget for it.

Ευρωπαϊκός Μηχανισμός στον τομέα της Πυρηνικής Ασφάλειας, που συμπληρώνει τον Μηχανισμό Γειτονίας, Ανάπτυξης και Διεθνούς Συνεργασίας (A8-0448/2018 - Vladimir Urutchev) EN


I voted in favour of this report which focuses on how this European instrument should promote international cooperation based and building on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and other international agreements covering nuclear safety and nuclear waste management.

Καταπολέμηση των καθυστερήσεων πληρωμών στις εμπορικές συναλλαγές (A8-0456/2018 - Lara Comi) EN


I voted in favour of this report, which prioritises the streamlining and harmonisation of payment terms between public administrations and companies. It seeks to provide the groundwork for an environment where businesses can depend on punctual payments, since delays often pose a risk to the financial viability of SMEs.

Ετήσια έκθεση για τις χρηματοδοτικές δραστηριότητες της Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας Επενδύσεων (A8-0415/2018 - Barbara Kappel) EN


I voted in favour of this report, which notes the important role that the EIB plays as the EU’s investment bank and lays out recommendations to streamline and improve its operations to address systemic shortcomings that render it less efficient than it could be, vis-à-vis certain regions or countries taking full advantage of its operations.

Διαφοροποιημένη ολοκλήρωση (A8-0402/2018 - Pascal Durand) EN


I voted in favour of this report. A flexible approach to integration has allowed some Member States to proceed with a greater degree of convergence in certain policy areas. While this has provided some benefits, mapping out the various degrees of integration amongst and within various groups of Member States has proven difficult, and in some ways hinders further integration of the Union as a whole. This report clarifies the concept of differentiated integration while providing guidance on how to manage it better going forward.

Κλείσιμο των λογαριασμών της Ευρωπαϊκής Υπηρεσίας Υποστήριξης για το Άσυλο (EASO) για το οικονομικό έτος 2016 (B8-0052/2019) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this decision, whereby Parliament approves the closure of accounts of the European Asylum Support Office for the 2016 financial year.

Πρόταση ψηφίσματος σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 133 του Κανονισμού με το οποίο ζητείται η γνώμη του Δικαστηρίου σχετικά με τη συμβατότητα με τις Συνθήκες της προτεινόμενης συμφωνίας ΕΕ-Μαρόκου για την τροποποίηση των πρωτοκόλλων αριθ. 1 και αριθ. 4 της ευρωμεσογειακής συμφωνίας σύνδεσης (B8-0051/2019) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this resolution, which notes that there is legal uncertainty with regard to the proposed agreement and its compatibility with the Treaties, and seeks an opinion from the Court of Justice of the European Union to resolve this.

Συμφωνία ΕΕ-Μαρόκου για την τροποποίηση των πρωτοκόλλων αριθ. 1 και αριθ. 4 της ευρωμεσογειακής συμφωνίας σύνδεσης (ψήφισμα) (A8-0478/2018 - Marietje Schaake) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this resolution, which concerns the EU-Morocco Agreement and certain amendments that are required to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement, and takes into account the particular situation in the Western Sahara and the European Parliament’s position on it.

Συμφωνία ΕΕ-Μαρόκου για την τροποποίηση των πρωτοκόλλων αριθ. 1 και αριθ. 4 της ευρωμεσογειακής συμφωνίας σύνδεσης (A8-0471/2018 - Marietje Schaake) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this legislative resolution, through which Parliament agrees to the conclusion of the amendment of Protocols 1 and 4 of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement.

Συμφωνία ΕΕ-Κίνας σε σχέση με τη διαδικασία επίλυσης διαφορών του ΠΟΕ DS492 - Μέτρα που επηρεάζουν τις δασμολογικές παραχωρήσεις όσον αφορά ορισμένα προϊόντα με βάση το κρέας πουλερικών (A8-0472/2018 - Iuliu Winkler) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this report, which was necessary in the light of the dispute settlement proceedings that China brought against the EU on ‘Measures affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products’. The report recommends that Parliament consent to the conclusion of an agreement, in line with the EU’s obligations under WTO rules.

Ευρωπαϊκό Ταμείο Προσαρμογής στην Παγκοσμιοποίηση (ΕΤΠ) (A8-0445/2018 - Maria Arena) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this report. The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) is intended to provide the EU with a means to demonstrate solidarity with workers who have been made redundant due to major developments in world trade brought about due to globalisation. It is also intended as an instrument that supports such workers and the wider regional or local economy that is hit by such structural changes. The report specifically calls for better coordination with other programmes of the EU, such as the European Structural Funds and the European Social Fund Plus.

Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινωνικό Ταμείο+ (ΕΚΤ+) (A8-0461/2018 - Verónica Lope Fontagné) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this report. It is important that the objectives of the current ESF continue to be fulfilled through the merger envisaged for this programme with other programmes that tackle social inclusion and the safeguarding of social rights in the European Union.

Ειδικές διατάξεις που διέπουν τον στόχο «Ευρωπαϊκή εδαφική συνεργασία» (Interreg) (A8-0470/2018 - Pascal Arimont) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this report, which concerns the specific provisions of the European territorial cooperation goal (Interreg) that is supported by the European Regional Development Fund. It emphasises that Interreg needs to be linked to the Union’s efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and also highlights the importance of roping in the Union’s various regions.