
Contributions to plenary debates - 8th parliamentary term Anne-Marie MINEUR

Speeches made during the plenary session and written declarations relating to plenary debates. Rules Rule 204 and 171(11)

Sri Lanka GSP+ (debate) NL

31-05-2017 P8_CRE-REV(2017)05-31(1-204-0000)

Sri Lanka GSP+ (debate) NL

31-05-2017 P8_CRE-REV(2017)05-31(1-206-0000)

Implementation of the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement (debate) NL

17-05-2017 P8_CRE-REV(2017)05-17(3-584-0000)

Environmental Goods Agreement (debate) NL

22-11-2016 P8_CRE-REV(2016)11-22(2-817-0000)

Order of business NL

21-11-2016 P8_CRE-REV(2016)11-21(1-022-0000)