
Contributions to plenary debates - 7th parliamentary term Luis YÁÑEZ-BARNUEVO GARCÍA

Speeches made during the plenary session and written declarations relating to plenary debates. Rules Rule 204 and 171(11)

One-minute speeches (Rule 150) ES

10-03-2014 P7_CRE-REV(2014)03-10(1-138-000)

Situation in Venezuela (debate) ES

27-02-2014 P7_CRE-REV(2014)02-27(4-011-000)

One-minute speeches on matters of political importance ES

07-10-2013 P7_CRE-REV(2013)10-07(1-142-000)

Situation in Mali (debate) ES

13-03-2013 P7_CRE-REV(2013)03-13(3-326-000)

Rule of law and freedom in Bulgaria (debate) ES

06-02-2013 P7_CRE-REV(2013)02-06(3-656-000)

State of play of EU-Mercosur trade relations (debate) ES

17-01-2013 P7_CRE-REV(2013)01-17(4-102-000)

EU-Central America association agreement (debate) ES

10-12-2012 P7_CRE-REV(2012)12-10(1-029-000)

EU-Columbia/Peru trade agreement (debate) ES

10-12-2012 P7_CRE-REV(2012)12-10(1-083-000)

EU-Columbia/Peru trade agreement (debate) ES

10-12-2012 P7_CRE-REV(2012)12-10(1-086-000)

One-minute speeches (Rule 150) ES

10-09-2012 P7_CRE-REV(2012)09-10(1-140-000)

Negotiations on the UN Arms Trade Treaty (debate)

12-06-2012 P7_CRE-REV(2012)06-12(2-406-000)

One-minute speeches (Rule 150) ES

12-03-2012 P7_CRE-REV(2012)03-12(1-193-000)