Euroopan parlamentin sosialistien ja demokraattien ryhmä


Malta - Partit Laburista (Malta)

syntynyt : , Pieta

Kirjalliset äänestysselitykset Alex AGIUS SALIBA

Jäsenet voivat antaa täysistuntoäänestyksestä kirjallisen selityksen. Työjärjestyksen 194 artikla

Kuluttajien vaikutusmahdollisuuksien lisääminen vihreässä siirtymässä (A9-0099/2023 - Biljana Borzan) EN


I have voted in favour of the report that aims to ensure a strong empowerment for consumers in the green transition, by tackling unfair commercial practices and by enabling citizens to choose products that are more durable, repairable and sustainable.

Sosiaalista Eurooppaa koskeva etenemissuunnitelma: kaksi vuotta Porton jälkeen (B9-0235/2023, B9-0236/2023) EN


We want to live in a Europe, where all workers earn a living wage, all families can afford housing, and no child has to grow up in poverty. Therefore, I have voted in favour of this resolution that calls on the Commission, EU governments and all the political groups to join our fight for living wages, decent work and robust welfare. From wages, to public services, to equality, and the cost of living, Europe faces many challenges. Although the ambition regarding the digital and green transitions has been placed high on the European agenda, this has not been the case for the European social agenda yet. The green and digital transitions can only be successful if integrated alongside with a strong social agenda. Parliament has also set a list of social objectives to be reached by 2030, which we believe should be adopted together with the action plan in order to guide its implementation.

Vastuuvapaus 2021: EU:n yleinen talousarvio – Komissio ja toimeenpanovirastot (A9-0101/2023 - Jeroen Lenaers, Monika Hohlmeier) EN


I voted in favour of the report of granting discharge to the Commission for 2021. The report welcomes the RRF’s implementation in 2021 and its contribution and further potential with regard to preventing a strong economic downturn following the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to making Union economies and societies more sustainable, resilient and better prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the green and digital transitions.

Vastuuvapaus 2021: EU:n yleinen talousarvio – Euroopan parlamentti (A9-0086/2023 - Isabel García Muñoz) EN


I have voted in favour of the report, which is calling for more institutional transparency, better protections for workers’ rights and efficient use of EU funds.

Vastuuvapaus 2021: EU:n yleinen talousarvio – Eurooppa-neuvosto ja neuvosto (A9-0085/2023 - Mikuláš Peksa) EN


I voted in favour of this report to postpone the vote granting discharge to the European Council. Unfortunately, the Council has not transmitted the required documentation for Parliament to assess whether or not to grant discharge and has not appeared at the discharge hearing organised by the CONT Committee for well over a decade.

Vuoden 2022 kertomus Serbiasta (A9-0172/2023 - Vladimír Bilčík) EN


I have voted in favour of the report, which stresses that in order to progress, Serbia must continue domestic reforms and normalise relations with Pristina, but most importantly it must align with EU sanctions against Russia. Otherwise, it risks backtracking in negotiations for EU membership and EU’s financial support is also at stake.

Vuoden 2022 kertomus Kosovosta (A9-0174/2023 - Viola von Cramon-Taubadel) EN


The long-overdue visa liberalisation will be granted to Kosovo as of 1 January 2024. In key moments, Kosovo has proven to be a reliable partner. There has been a significant progress in the fight against corruption, but more efforts are needed. We hope that the Ohrid Agreement and the implementation of all past agreements in the Serbia-Kosovo Dialogue will reap off benefits for Kosovo and contribute to the normalisation of relations with Serbia. That is why I have voted in favour.

Unionin tariffikiintiöiden ja muiden tuontikiintiöiden soveltaminen tiettyihin Pohjois-Irlantiin siirrettyihin tuotteisiin (A9-0164/2023 - Seán Kelly) EN


I have voted in favour of the report, which stems from the result of negotiations between the EU and the Commission that produced the ‘Windsor Framework’ aimed at putting an end to years of friction over how the Northern Ireland Protocol should be applied.

Ihmisille tarkoitettuja lääkkeitä, jotka on tarkoitus saattaa Pohjois-Irlannin markkinoille, koskevat erityissäännöt (A9-0167/2023 - Pascal Canfin) EN


I have voted in favour of the adoption of the medicines proposal of the Windsor Framework, which aims to ensure that people in Northern Ireland have access to all medicines, including novel medicines, at the same time and under the same conditions as people in the rest of the UK.

Moldovalle myönnettävä makrotaloudellinen rahoitusapu (A9-0166/2023 - Markéta Gregorová) EN


Moldova is facing significant pressure due to Russia’s destabilisation attempts and the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine. I have voted in favour to support this top—up of macro—financial assistance to Moldova in order to further support the country’s energy market and minimise negative impacts on the population.



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