
Kirjalliset äänestysselitykset - Kahdeksas vaalikausi Richard CORBETT

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Pohjanmeren pohjakalakantoja ja näitä kantoja hyödyntäviä kalastuksia koskeva monivuotinen suunnitelma (A8-0263/2017 - Ulrike Rodust) EN


The multi-annual plan for demersal stocks in the North Sea proposes an environmentally and economically sustainable management plan.
I note that the UK government gave its approval to this plan, favouring speedy agreement and adoption. Indeed, it welcomed the science-based framework, which provides a valuable structure for the continued cooperation between the UK and the EU if the UK continues with Brexit. Clearly, the UK government preferred to settle this issue as a member rather than negotiate from outside as a non-member. Moreover, given the value of these stocks to UK fishers, it is in any case important to agree long-term management plans.
Therefore, I voted in favour of this report.