Roberts ZĪLE
Roberts ZĪLE

Groupe des Conservateurs et Réformistes européens

Membre du bureau

Lettonie - Nacionālā apvienība "Visu Latvijai!"-"Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK" (Lettonie)

Date de naissance : , Rīga

Explications de vote écrites Roberts ZĪLE

Les députés peuvent expliquer par écrit leur vote en plénière. Article 194 du règlement intérieur.

Législation sur l’intelligence artificielle (A9-0188/2023 - Brando Benifei, Dragoş Tudorache) EN


On Wednesday, I voted in support of a safer and more transparent artificial intelligence systems regulation. It wasn’t so long ago that the first touchscreen phones were brand new and made us adapt to the next generation of technological development. To a certain extent, the technology and digital field is growing faster than our rules are able to adapt – faster than what people are able to adapt to.
This cannot be an excuse to fall behind and leave powerful systems in free-fall without rules or supervision – especially when it comes to facial recognition technology and predicting human reaction through use of AI technology online. Our citizens must feel safe when they step outside their home, as well as when they are scrolling through online websites. They deserve to have their privacy and well-being protected from existing and upcoming technologies.

Préparation du sommet UE-Ukraine (RC-B9-0092/2023, B9-0092/2023, B9-0093/2023, B9-0094/2023, B9-0095/2023, B9-0096/2023) EN


As we approach the one—year mark of Russia’s war in Ukraine, we must look forward to the future of Ukraine’s role in the European Union. We have to focus on the next steps: helping the Ukrainian Government to adjust to the EU standards towards accession into the bloc. I encourage my colleagues to support this matter in practice and ensure that support for Ukraine does not stop or lag, be it military or economic, humanitarian or infrastructural.
A key matter is holding Russia accountable. We will never forget this war; recording evidence and monitoring activities are essential in carrying out a tribunal for the crimes committed by the Russian state against the people of Ukraine.
We must not grow tired of the fight; the war in Ukraine is more significant than one can imagine: it is a war for democracy, it is a war for Europe, and it is a war for our future.

Renforcement du mandat d'Europol: coopération avec des parties privées, traitement de données à caractère personnel, et appui à la recherche et l'innovation (A9-0290/2021 - Javier Zarzalejos) EN


. ‒ I voted in support of the amending regulations regarding Europol’s cooperation methods and protection of personal data by Europol in relation to criminal investigations, as well as Europol’s role on research and innovation.
In order to ensure a thorough and secure framework of data use across the Union, this amending regulation suggests a set of changes to various areas of the Regulation. These include: during cooperation with private parties having full compliance with strict data protection requirements, reinforced cooperation with non-EU countries in serious crime matters, creating a role for Europol in research and innovation to supply new technology for law enforcement authorities, and further strengthening the Europol data protection framework, among other issues.
This amending regulation has set out new and improved processes that will add to Europol’s capabilities as a regional authority against security threats and improve its ability for cooperation globally.

Subventions étrangères génératrices de distorsions (A9-0135/2022 - Christophe Hansen) EN


. ‒ I voted in support of the draft regulation in relation to the foreign subsidies distorting the internal market report. Retaining the competitiveness aspect of the EU internal market is key to managing fair growth and a level playing field between companies and businesses in the Union. The draft regulation points to the unfair advantage some non-EU firms gain by receiving foreign subsidies in addition to acquiring European companies or public procurement contracts using unfair advantage. At the same time, European companies face a strict state-aid regime. The text indicates how this gap can be minimised, without creating a detrimental impact upon the global position and market field of European companies.

Comptoirs de vente hors taxes situés dans le terminal français du tunnel sous la Manche (A9-0035/2022 - Irene Tinagli) EN


. ‒ I voted in support of the proposal concerning tax-free shops situated in the French terminal of the Channel Tunnel. As a result of the Brexit agreement, the scope of the withdrawal stretches to each and every legislative corner of the Union. This includes the Channel Tunnel operations, specifically the sale of tax-free goods in the cross-border terminal. As the link rests between the Union and a third country, the situation is similar to that of a port: two border controls with two access terminals.
Due to the Excise Directive, the tax-free sales of goods had been reintroduced in ports of Calais and Dunkirk. However, the tax-free shops could not be opened in the French terminal of the Channel Tunnel. This proposal seeks to excise duty rules and set up tax-free facilities, to level out the experience to be the same as that of persons travelling from a Member State to a third country by sea.

Ingérence étrangère dans l’ensemble des processus démocratiques de l’Union européenne (A9-0022/2022 - Sandra Kalniete) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of the final recommendation of the Special Committee on Foreign Interference in all Democratic Processes, in the European Union, including Disinformation. This committee was set up recently, in June 2020. Tasked with the issues regarding monitoring of misinformation campaigns in the Union as well as foreign power interference in democratic institutions, it faced established problems through a modern lens: cyberspace.
The digital dimension is developing daily, faster than the legislative and management processes of the Union and Member States. The file urges the Union to improve its digital capabilities promptly and vastly across all fields of implication: from managing online platforms that broadcast disinformation, rules and regulations of platforms, to improving fact-checking practices and investing in digital education and protection of the Union. In simpler terms, there is a lot more work to be done than regularly updating one’s password for email accounts.

L'incidence de la criminalité organisée sur les ressources propres de l'UE et sur le détournement des fonds européens (A9-0330/2021 - Tomáš Zdechovský) EN


I voted in support of the report evaluating the impact of organised crime on the EU’s own resources and the misuse of EU funds with a particular focus on shared management. The report highlighted that organised crime structures have infiltrated certain European Union structures and gained access to funding sources from Union programs. It points to certain areas that are targeted by organised crime organisations, and are thus in need of tighter surveillance. Specifically, value-added tax (VAT) and e-commerce fraud are major components of revenue fraud utilised by organised crime groups. I support the intention of this report in analysing areas targeted by organised crime and that damage the integrity of Union mechanisms and agencies.

Prévisibilité pour les États membres et procédures de résolution des contentieux lors de la mise à disposition des ressources propres traditionnelles, de la ressource propre fondée sur la TVA et de la ressource propre fondée sur le RNB (A9-0347/2021 - José Manuel Fernandes, Valérie Hayer) EN


I voted against the proposal for regulation regarding predictability for Member States and procedures for dispute resolution when making available the traditional, VAT and GNI-based own resources. This proposal extends the frameworks of previously-existing mechanisms to resource accessibility. Such as, regular payments to the EU, as well as procedures and deadlines to access the resources. Nonetheless, the inconsistent language and lack of clarity in the aim and content of the text of the proposal risks muddling legal tools that are currently available. The proposal should be approached at a later time with a more concise method to the text.

Accord de transport aérien CE/États-Unis (A9-0335/2021 - Maria Grapini) EN


I voted in support of the proposal for the EU-US air transport agreement. This proposal builds upon the primary agreement between the European Union and the United States of America and its amended Protocol, together known as EU-US ATA. Flights between the EU and the US represent the largest intercontinental market and for cargo, the US is the largest extra-EU market.
The proposal expands on the scope and depth of the agreement, through creating additional foreign investment opportunities in the airline sector and promoting a comprehensive partnership with benefits for the consumers, airlines and workers in the industry.

Introduction d’un passeport européen de sécurité sociale pour améliorer la mise en application numérique des droits de sécurité sociale et d’une mobilité équitable (B9-0551/2021) EN


I voted in support of the report for the introduction of a new European Social Security Pass. The aim of the resolution is to establish a European Pass that will allow the transfer of Social Securities across the Union. By invoking this function, cross-border workers will have more access to a digital identification system, in all Member States. I believe that the draft resolution has been adapted appropriately and includes more balanced provisions. The proposed framework will enable a digital progression for cross-border workers in their social securities.



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