Miriam DALLI
Miriam DALLI

Datum rođenja : , St. Julian's

9. parlamentarni saziv Miriam DALLI

Klubovi zastupnika

  • 02-07-2019 / 18-10-2020 : Klub zastupnika Progresivnog saveza socijalista i demokrata u Europskom parlamentu - Potpredsjednica

Nacionalne stranke

  • 02-07-2019 / 18-10-2020 : Partit Laburista (Malta)


  • 02-07-2019 / 03-07-2019 : Odbor za industriju, istraživanje i energetiku
  • 02-07-2019 / 18-10-2020 : Odbor za okoliš, javno zdravlje i sigurnost hrane
  • 12-02-2020 / 18-10-2020 : Izaslanstvo u Zajedničkom parlamentarnom odboru Cariforuma i EU-a
  • 10-03-2020 / 18-10-2020 : Izaslanstvo za odnose s Korejskim poluotokom
  • 14-09-2020 / 18-10-2020 : Posebni odbor za borbu protiv raka


  • 02-07-2019 / 18-10-2020 : Izaslanstvo za odnose s državama Mašreka
  • 02-07-2019 / 18-10-2020 : Izaslanstvo u Parlamentarnoj skupštini Unije za Mediteran
  • 08-07-2019 / 18-10-2020 : Odbor za građanske slobode, pravosuđe i unutarnje poslove
  • 10-02-2020 / 18-10-2020 : Odbor za industriju, istraživanje i energetiku

Glavne parlamentarne aktivnosti

Sudjelovanje u raspravama na plenarnoj sjednici

Govori s plenarnih sjednica i pisane izjave koje se odnose na plenarne rasprave. Članak 204. i članak 171. stavak 11. Poslovnika

Europski propis o klimi (rasprava) EN

06-10-2020 P9_CRE-REV(2020)10-06(2-164-0000)

Stanje Unije (tematska rasprava) (rasprava) MT

16-09-2020 P9_CRE-REV(2020)09-16(3-027-0000)

Mišljenja ‒ u svojstvu izvjestitelja u sjeni

Klubovi zastupnika imenuju izvjestitelja u sjeni za mišljenje koji prati napredak rada i s izvjestiteljem pregovara o kompromisnim tekstovima. Članak 215 Poslovnika

MIŠLJENJE o općem proračunu Europske unije za financijsku godinu 2021.

06-10-2020 ITRE_AD(2020)657152 PE657.152v02-00 ITRE
Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI

Prijedlog/Prijedlozi rezolucija

Na zahtjev odbora, kluba zastupnika ili najmanje 5 % zastupnika podnose se prijedlozi rezolucija o aktualnim pitanjima o kojima se glasuje na plenarnoj sjednici. Članci 132. , 136. , 139 i 144. Poslovnika

Druge parlamentarne aktivnosti

Obrazloženja glasovanja (napisan.)

Zastupnici mogu podnijeti pisana obrazloženja glasovanja na plenarnoj sjednici. Članak 194. Poslovnika

Primjena pravila o sigurnosti željeznica i interoperabilnosti željezničkog sustava na podmorski tunel ispod Engleskog kanala (C9-0212/2020) EN


I voted in favour of this proposal to amend Directive 2016/798 on the application of railway safety in order to deal specifically with the situation of the Channel Fixed Link after the withdrawal of the UK from the EU.

Odluka o ovlašćivanju Francuske za sklapanje međunarodnog sporazuma o podmorskom tunelu ispod Engleskog kanala (C9-0211/2020) EN


This Decision seeks to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the Channel Fixed Link, the guarantee that the Intergovernmental Commission will remain the single safety authority and will continue to apply the Union rules on railway safety but above all to ensure that when disputes raise questions related to the interpretation of Union law, the arbitral should refer the matter to the Court of Justice. I voted in favour of this report.

Vladavina prava i temeljna prava u Bugarskoj (B9-0309/2020) EN


. ‒ This resolution sheds a light on the deteriorating state of the rule of law, fundamental rights and corruption in Bulgaria. I voted against the amendments put forward by the PPE Group which water down the resolution as a whole simply because the government of Bulgaria is part of their own political family. I voted in favour of the resolution because I believe in equally assessing the situation of rule of law in each European Member State, whatever the political group of the government in question.

Digitalne financijske usluge: novi rizici povezani s kriptovalutama - regulatorni i nadzorni izazovi u području financijskih usluga, institucija i tržišta (A9-0161/2020 - Ondřej Kovařík) EN


. ‒ Digital finance usually refers to the use of new technologies by the financial services industry. Technological innovation presents key opportunities for citizens to access basic financial services and conduct payments more easily, while it can also be an effective tool for European SMEs to access finance. But the potential of digital finance can only be achieved through a tailored and updated regulatory and supervisory framework that fosters trust from all operators and citizens. I would like to see strong regulations that guarantee financial stability with protection of investors and consumers and appropriate oversight of technological operators – for the protection of privacy, personal data, and adequate standards against cyberattacks. Because of this I voted in favour of this report.

Daljnji razvoj unije tržišta kapitala: poboljšanje pristupa financiranju na tržištima kapitala, posebno za MSP-ove, te daljnje jačanje sudjelovanja malih ulagatelja (A9-0155/2020 - Isabel Benjumea Benjumea) EN


The capital markets union is a plan to create a single market for capital. It aims at getting investments and savings flowing across the EU so that it can benefit consumers, investors and companies, regardless of where they are located. I voted in favour of a capital markets union with new, strong measures aimed to get rid of national options and discretions and to fulfil the potential to allocate capital efficiently in the EU.

Garancija za mlade (B9-0310/2020) EN


The Youth Guarantee has helped millions of young people to cross the threshold to gainful employment. The economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic is once again creating huge obstacles for young people to find quality jobs. The danger of exploitation is again very high with too many young people trapped in a vicious circle of unpaid traineeships, precarious work or unemployment. The practice of unpaid internships is a form of labour exploitation and a violation of young people’s rights. I voted in favour of the Youth Guarantee in support of strengthened investment for it under the MFF 2021-2027.

Uspostava mehanizma EU-a za demokraciju, vladavinu prava i temeljna prava (A9-0170/2020 - Michal Šimečka) EN


. ‒ The EU Mechanism on Democracy can serve as an effective tool that would be based on an objective, impartial and evidence whilst ensuring that the Annual Rule of Law Report is a preventive tool. I voted in favour of this mechanism because the EU needs an objective framework rather than ending up depending on the whims of those who might be critical of a government because of their partisan agenda.

Provedba zajedničke trgovinske politike: godišnje izvješće za 2018. (A9-0160/2020 - Jörgen Warborn) EN


This report provides an update on the implementation of 35 major trade agreements with 62 partners, including the first full year report on the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. My main priorities under trade agreements will continue to be human rights, streamlining the European Green Deal, the Paris Agreement as an essential clause, and calling for a gender chapter in all trade and investment agreements. Because of this I voted in favour of this report.

Europski propis o klimi (A9-0162/2020 - Jytte Guteland) EN


By approving a 60% reduction of CO2 by 2030, the European Parliament has proven that it is ready to negotiate with the Commission and Member States to pave together a sustainable path to eventually reach carbon neutrality by 2050. Only together, by taking bold decisions, can we arrive at a situation where the European Union as a whole has net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. We have worked to set a new climate target for 2040 in order to give citizens, industries and Member States a clearer idea of the direction we want to take. I voted in favour of this report because of its strong position to make sure that the EU could rely on an ambitious, progressive and realistic Climate Law where no one would feel left behind.

Jednakovrijednost pregleda usjeva na terenu koji se provode u Ukrajini na sjemenskim usjevima žitarica i jednakovrijednost sjemena žitarica proizvedenog u Ukrajini (A9-0164/2020 - Veronika Vrecionová) EN


According to audits carried out by the Commission in the Ukraine, the systems in place for inspection of seeds were satisfactory. I voted in favour of this report because it highlights the technical measures for systems and procedures for inspection of seeds.

Prigovor u skladu s člankom 112. stavkom 2., 3. i 4. točkom (c) Poslovnika: specifikacije za titanov dioksid (E 171) (B9-0308/2020) EN


Titanium dioxide (E171) is mainly used in food products which are particularly popular with children, such as chewing gum, candies, chocolate and ice cream, and this raises concerns about potential health risks. Scientific opinions have already pointed to a lack of data hindering a full risk assessment. Despite this, the Commission, instead of proposing to phase out its use, presented a draft regulation allowing titanium dioxide to be legally placed on the market. Because of this, I voted in favour of this objection.

Prigovor u skladu s člankom 112. stavkom 2., 3. i 4. točkom (c) Poslovnika: najveće dopuštene količine akrilamida u određenoj hrani za dojenčad i malu djecu (B9-0311/2020) EN


Studies show that acrylamide is toxic if swallowed, may cause genetic defects, may cause cancer, causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure, is harmful in contact with skin, among others. More research is needed to understand the reasons for the high variability of acrylamide levels within food categories and to identify strategies for minimising the formation of acrylamide. For this to happen, the Commission needs to revise its decision to allow acrylamide on the EU market. For this reason, I voted in favour of this objection.

Europska strategija za šume - daljnji koraci (A9-0154/2020 - Petri Sarvamaa) EN


Achieving climate neutral economy by 2050 requires that we move away from business as usual. This report is about setting the course for how we treat and manage our forests for the upcoming years. It is not acceptable to allow the continuation of mismanagement of our forests, often beyond repair, when reform is already years overdue. For this reason, I voted in favour of this report.

Utvrđivanje postojanja očite opasnosti da Republika Poljska teško prekrši vladavinu prava EN


. – The rule of law situation in Poland not only has not been addressed but has seriously deteriorated since the triggering of Article 7. I voted in favour of this report because I stand with the people of Poland and ask the Commission to urgently widen the scope of the Article 7, which is at present restricted to the rule of law, to other basic values of the Union, especially democracy and respect for human rights.

Strateški pristup lijekovima u okolišu EN


. – This strategic approach assists Member States to address the possible environmental impacts of pharmaceutical substances, with a view to reducing discharges, emissions and losses of such substances into the aquatic environment, taking into account public health needs and the cost-effectiveness of the measures proposed. The EU and national governments need to do more to address such environmental harm and therefore I voted in favour of this report.

Maksimalno iskorištavanje potencijala za energetsku učinkovitost fonda zgrada EU-a EN


. – This report contains recommendations towards the Renovation wave initiative which the European Commission plans to launch in October 2020. I voted in favour of this report because it stresses the importance of housing affordability, meaning that new renovations towards energy efficient buildings should not lead to unbearable cost burdens for tenants and must be reasonably priced.

Provedba nacionalnih strategija integracije Roma: borba protiv negativnih stavova prema osobama romskog podrijetla u Europi EN


. – I voted in favour of this resolution, which calls on the Commission to present a directive for the equality and integration of Romani people in Europe after 2020, and should include a plan to eliminate inequalities in housing, health, employment and education as well as specific binding objectives to improve inclusion.

Priprema izvanrednog sastanka Europskog vijeća s naglaskom na opasnoj eskalaciji i ulozi Turske u istočnom Sredozemlju EN


. – I would like to reiterate the call on Turkey to fully respect the Exclusive Economic Zones and the sovereign rights of EU Member States, including the rights concerning exploration for natural resources. I voted in favour of this report, which condemns Turkey’s illegal drilling and military interventions in the Eastern Mediterranean and calls for action by relevant authorities.

Stanje u Bjelarusu EN


. – Elections in Belarus were neither free nor fair, and therefore the people of Belarus deserve new, democratic elections. I voted in favour of this resolution, which condemns the violence being inflicted on the people of Belarus and calls for an investigation into the alleged abuse.

Stanje u Rusiji, trovanje Alekseja Navaljnog EN


. – This report highlights concerns on Navalny’s poisoning and calls on Russia to stop harassment of political opponents. I voted in favour of this report because it calls for action to be taken in Russia as well as in the EU vis-à-vis EU-Russia relations.

Pisana pitanja

Zastupnici smiju uputiti određen broj pitanja za pisani odgovor predsjedniku Europskog vijeća, Vijeću, Komisiji i potpredsjedniku Komisije / visokom predstavniku Unije. Članak 138. Poslovnika, Prilog III. Poslovniku


Zastupnik je potpisao sve izjave u nastavku, čak i ako potpis nije vidljiv na internetskom primjerku.


Legal labour migration

DALLI Miriam
Datum, mjesto:
Remote meeting
Kôd pridruženog odbora ili izaslanstva
Sastanak s:
ETUC Unitee BusinessEurope

Legal labour migration

DALLI Miriam
Datum, mjesto:
Remote meeting
Kôd pridruženog odbora ili izaslanstva
Sastanak s:
Eurocities Picum CEPS

Type approval

DALLI Miriam
Datum, mjesto:
Izvještač o sjeni
Kôd pridruženog odbora ili izaslanstva
Sastanak s: