Alexandra Lesley PHILLIPS
Alexandra Lesley PHILLIPS
Ujedinjena Kraljevina

Datum rođenja : , Gloucester

9. parlamentarni saziv Alexandra Lesley PHILLIPS

Klubovi zastupnika

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Nezavisni zastupnici

Nacionalne stranke

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : The Brexit Party (Ujedinjena Kraljevina)


  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Odbor za razvoj
  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Izaslanstvo za odnose s Južnom Afrikom


  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Odbor za vanjske poslove
  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Izaslanstvo za odnose s Indijom
  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Izaslanstvo u Zajedničkoj parlamentarnoj skupštini AKP-a i EU-a

Glavne parlamentarne aktivnosti

Sudjelovanje u raspravama na plenarnoj sjednici

Govori s plenarnih sjednica i pisane izjave koje se odnose na plenarne rasprave. Članak 204. i članak 171. stavak 11. Poslovnika

Druge parlamentarne aktivnosti

Obrazloženja glasovanja (napisan.)

Zastupnici mogu podnijeti pisana obrazloženja glasovanja na plenarnoj sjednici. Članak 194. Poslovnika

Izbor Komisije EN


Brexit Party MEPs voted against the ‘election’ of the European Commission. Brexit Party MEPs believe that the functioning of the European institutions, in particular the Commission, is fundamentally undemocratic. We therefore voted against the Commission in protest against the undemocratic nature of the election of the Commission.

Mobilizacija Fonda solidarnosti Europske unije radi pružanja pomoći Grčkoj (A9-0040/2019 - Eva Kaili) EN


. ‒ Brexit Party MEPs abstained on this budgetary proposal. The EU Solidarity Fund is an EU budget to help areas that have been affected by natural disaster in Europe. This proposal is to mobilise EUR 4.5 million of the fund for Crete (Greece), which suffered extremely heavy rains causing landslides, infrastructure loss and loss of life. While we oppose the EU spending British taxpayers’ money, as this was for humanitarian relief and wouldn’t require fresh funding from the UK, we chose to abstain rather than vote against.

Mobilizacija instrumenta fleksibilnosti za financiranje hitnih proračunskih mjera za suočavanje s postojećim izazovima migracija, priljeva izbjeglica i sigurnosnih prijetnji (A9-0039/2019 - Monika Hohlmeier) EN


Brexit Party MEPs voted against this budgetary proposal. This proposal was to mobilise an extra EUR 778 million to support EU migration, refugee and border policies. The money would be spread between the years 2020-2023. We oppose the EU spending British taxpayers’ money and cannot support this fund spending on failed policies.


Zastupnik je potpisao sve izjave u nastavku, čak i ako potpis nije vidljiv na internetskom primjerku.