Christina Sheila JORDAN
Christina Sheila JORDAN
Apvienotā Karaliste

9. sasaukums Christina Sheila JORDAN

Politiskās grupas

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Pie politiskajām grupām nepiederošie deputāti

Partejiskā piederība attiecīgā valstī

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : The Brexit Party (Apvienotā Karaliste)


  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Vides, sabiedrības veselības un pārtikas nekaitīguma komiteja
  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Delegācija attiecībām ar Indiju

Galvenās Parlamenta veiktās darbības

Plenārsēdes debašu dokumenti

Runas, kas teiktas, uzstājoties plenārsēdē, un rakstiski paziņojumi saistībā ar plenārsēdes debatēm 204. pants un 171. panta 11. punkts.

Stāvoklis Moldovā (debates) EN

16-07-2019 P9_CRE-REV(2019)07-16(2-270-0000)

Citas Parlamenta veiktās darbības

Rakstiski balsojumu skaidrojumi

Deputāti var iesniegt rakstisku skaidrojumu par savu balsojumu plenārsēdē. 194. pants

Regulas (ES) 2019/501 un Regulas (ES) 2019/502 piemērošanas periodi ( - Karima Delli) EN


. ‒ The Brexit party voted in favour of this urgency procedure. The report seeks to ensure that air and road travel is not disrupted in case of no deal Brexit, updating the date of implementation to take into account the seven months extension. The Brexit party voted in favour as we support bringing forward this report in order to prepare for Brexit.

Nolīgums par sadarbību starp Eurojust un Serbiju (A9-0009/2019 - Juan Fernando López Aguilar) EN


The Brexit Party have voted to abstain on this report. Whilst data exchanges and cooperation, particularly for the purpose of combatting serious crime, are very important we do not support this being facilitated at EU level. However, if the sovereign nation of Serbia wishes to participate it would not be appropriate to block their decision. Therefore, as we support the underlying principle of cooperation and data sharing to combat serious crime, but not the EU facilitating it, we felt that abstaining was most suitable.

To summu pielāgojumi no elastības instrumenta 2019. gadam, kuras jāizmanto migrācijas, bēgļu pieplūduma un drošības apdraudējumu gadījumā (A9-0013/2019 - John Howarth) EN


The Brexit Party voted in favour of this budgetary proposal. The original Commission proposal was to reduce a payment plan for future EU spending in the field of migration and security. This proposal was linked to the Draft Amending Budget Number 4, which should have led to a reduction in Member States’ contributions; however, a Labour MEP managed to make amendments to reverse this. In this case, however, the proposition was to support the original proposal to cut EU funding, not the amendments by the rapporteur, so we voted in favour.


Deputāts ir parakstījis visas turpmāk norādītās deklarācijas, pat ja paraksts tiešsaistes eksemplārā nav redzams.