
Schriftelijke stemverklaringen - 9e zittingsperiode Jude KIRTON-DARLING

Ieder lid kan een schriftelijke verklaring over zijn stem in de plenaire vergadering indienen. Artikel 194 van het Reglement

Buitenlandse inmenging in verkiezingen en desinformatie in nationale en Europese democratische processen (B9-0108/2019, B9-0111/2019) EN


Given the increasing influence of disinformation, electoral fraud and reports of foreign interference in many of our Member States, Labour MEPs voted for this report for an urgent reform of our electoral laws to defend our elections against foreign interference and manipulation, and to win the fight against offline and online disinformation. We welcome measures such as the Code of Conduct that have been introduced to respond to this interference, but it is clear that this is not enough and that there is an urgent need for new rules before our national and European elections can be free and fair.