
Schriftelijke stemverklaringen - 9e zittingsperiode Matt CARTHY

Ieder lid kan een schriftelijke verklaring over zijn stem in de plenaire vergadering indienen. Artikel 194 van het Reglement

Macrofinanciële bijstand aan Jordanië (A9-0045/2019 - Luisa Regimenti) EN


. – I voted to abstain on this file because it is a structural adjustment programme not humanitarian support. Despite my groups attempts to amend the agreement, the EUR 500 million is entirely in the form of loans not grants. In order to receive these loans the Jordanian government had to agree to adhere to IMF structural reforms that have damaged so many economies since they began being imposed on the global south since the 1980s. I abstained because I disagree with the terms on which the money is being made available to Jordan. I support supporting Jordan, particularly as a country that hosts 1.3 million refugees but completely oppose the use of crises to impose structural adjustment programmes on third countries.

Overeenkomst tussen de EU en Zwitserland inzake de intensivering van de grensoverschrijdende samenwerking, in het bijzonder ter bestrijding van terrorisme en grensoverschrijdende criminaliteit (A9-0043/2019 - Roberta Metsola) EN


. – I abstained on this report. On the island of Ireland, cross-border cooperation is vitally important, particularly in terms of encouraging cross-border cooperation between the Gardaí and PSNI. Significantly however, this report relates directly to the so-called ‘Prum’ decision, and is a marker of particular concern for Sinn Féin. Sinn Féin does not support the ‘Prum’ decision as the unilateral collection of data is a disproportional mechanism and disregards a person’s right to protection of personal data and privacy. I therefore opted to abstain.

Overeenkomst tussen de EU en Liechtenstein inzake de intensivering van de grensoverschrijdende samenwerking, in het bijzonder ter bestrijding van terrorisme en grensoverschrijdende criminaliteit (A9-0044/2019 - Roberta Metsola) EN


. – I abstained on this report. On the island of Ireland, cross-border cooperation is vitally important, particularly in terms of encouraging cross-border cooperation between the Gardaí and PSNI. Significantly however, this report relates directly to the so-called ‘Prum’ decision, and is a marker of particular concern for Sinn Féin. Sinn Féin does not support the ‘Prum’ decision as the unilateral collection of data is a disproportional mechanism and disregards a person’s right to protection of personal data and privacy. I therefore opted to abstain.