Geoffrey VAN ORDEN
Geoffrey VAN ORDEN
Združeno kraljestvo

Datum rojstva : , Waterlooville

9. zakonodajno obdobje Geoffrey VAN ORDEN

Politične skupine

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Skupina Evropskih konservativcev in reformistov - Član predsedstva

Nacionalne stranke

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Conservative Party (Združeno kraljestvo)


  • 02-07-2019 / 12-01-2020 : Odbor za industrijo, raziskave in energetiko
  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Pododbor za varnost in obrambo
  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Delegacija za odnose z Indijo


  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Odbor za razvoj
  • 22-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Delegacija pri skupnem parlamentarnem odboru EU-Turčija

Glavne parlamentarne dejavnosti

Prispevki k plenarnim razpravam

Govori med plenarnim zasedanjem in pisne izjave v zvezi s plenarnimi razpravami. Člena 204 in 171(11)

Poročila v vlogi poročevalca v senci

Politične skupine za vsako poročilo imenujejo poročevalca v senci iz pristojnega odbora, ki spremlja napredek tega poročila in išče kompromise s poročevalcem. Člen 215

Predlogi resolucij

Predlogi resolucij, ki se nanašajo na aktualna vprašanja, se vložijo na zahtevo odbora, politične skupine ali vsaj 5 % poslancev Evropskega parlamenta in zanje se glasuje na plenarnem zasedanju. Člen 132, člen 136, člen 139 in člen 144.

Druge parlamentarne dejavnosti

Pisne obrazložitve glasovanja

Poslanci lahko na plenarnem zasedanju predložijo pisno obrazložitev svojega glasovanja. Člen 194

Kriminalizacija spolne vzgoje na Poljskem (B9-0166/2019, B9-0167/2019, B9-0168/2019) EN


. – As British Conservatives we are wholly supportive of measures to protect women and girls against sexual and domestic violence, against female genital mutilation, online harassment, and revenge porn, as well as seeking to promote the overall health and well-being of young women, and indeed young men.
However, the question of sex education is a sensitive issue that should be dealt with by parents and by national governments. It is not a competence of the EU. For these reasons, we have decided to abstain on the Poland Resolution.

Pomen evropskega zgodovinskega spomina za prihodnost Evrope (RC-B9-0097/2019, B9-0097/2019, B9-0098/2019, B9-0099/2019, B9-0100/2019) EN


. – The pact between two horrific totalitarian regimes, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 23 August 1939, was the fuse that exploded into the Second World War. The Left has for too long propagated the myth that the war was fought and won largely by Soviet Russia, ignoring the Communist complicity with Hitler in starting the War – carrying out some of the worst early atrocities, such as the Katyn massacre in April/May 1940 of some 22 000 Polish military officers and intelligentsia and intensifying their brutal oppression of the people of Central and Eastern Europe following the Nazi defeat. Furthermore, Communist cells penetrated vital diplomatic, political, intelligence and research agencies, as well as trade union and ‘peace movements’, in many Western countries, including the United Kingdom. Their efforts both during and after the war sought to undermine democracies and advance the cause of Soviet Communism. These messages provide the central thrust of this resolution, which I fully support. The controversial and altogether separate issue of ‘European integration’ should not, by the way, have been included.


Poslanec(-ka) je podpisal(-a) vse spodnje izjave, tudi če podpis na spletnem izvodu ni dobro viden.