
Skriftliga förklaringar - 8:e valperioden Jill EVANS

Ledamöterna kan lämna in skriftliga förklaringar till hur de röstat i plenum. Artikel 194

Marrakechfördraget om att underlätta tillgången till publicerade verk för personer som är blinda, synsvaga eller har annat läshandikapp (A8-0400/2017 - Max Andersson) EN


I voted in favour of this report for mandatory exceptions to copyright for beneficiaries and authorised entities. My constituents in Wales fully support this initiative.

Behörighet, erkännande och verkställighet av avgöranden i äktenskapsfrågor och frågor om föräldraansvar samt internationella bortföranden av barn (A8-0388/2017 - Tadeusz Zwiefka) EN


I voted in favour of this report. I welcome this proposal because it aims to better protect the best interests of the child by simplifying procedures and enhancing their efficiency. The report aims to ensure that the child is heard and rapid enforcement of decisions in other Member States. The rights of the child and the issue of child abduction is of great importance to my constituents in Wales, where the first ever children’s Commissioner was appointed.

Genomförandet av sysselsättningsinitiativet för unga i medlemsstaterna (A8-0406/2017 - Romana Tomc) EN


I voted in favour of this report. With one of the highest rates of youth unemployment in the UK with nearly one in five out of work, my constituents in Wales could benefit from the Youth Employment Initiative. The Welsh and UK governments refused to implement it. Nevertheless, funding must be increased and there should be guarantees of quality offers and sustainable employment.