Vice-Presidents for conciliation

Vice-Presidents responsible for Conciliations

The three vice-presidents responsible for Conciliations standing together
Katarina Barley, Mairead McGuinness and Nicola Beer, Vice-presidents responsible for Conciliation © European Union (2019) - European Parliament

Conciliation consists of negotiations between the Parliament and the Council in the framework of the Conciliation Committee, with a view to reaching agreement in the form of a 'joint text' in third reading.

In Parliament there are three Vice-Presidents responsible for conciliation: Ms Mairead McGuinness, Ms Katarina Barley and Ms Nicola Beer.

They are appointed from the ranks of the 14 Vice-Presidents by the political groups as permanent members of Parliament's delegations to the Conciliation Committee.  The three Vice-Presidents are appointed for a period and two and a half years and can be re-appointed, either after the European election or Parliament's mid-term election.

Each EP delegation to the Conciliation Committee is chaired by one of the three Vice-Presidents; they decide among themselves who will be responsible for which conciliation procedure. 

The Vice-President chairing the EP delegation and the Minister of the Member State holding the Council Presidency co-chair the Conciliation Committee meeting. The relevant Commissioner represents the Commission.