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This Report is a research on the current performance of the shared management component of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and its impact on the Common Fisheries Policy. Based on quantitative data collection as well as on interviews with Managing Authorities of Member States and stakeholders, the Report also analyses the legislative proposal for the post-2020 EMFF and seeks to support the Members of the PECH Committee of the EU Parliament in their consideration.

This At a glance note sumarises the study evaluating the costs and benefits on fisheries and aquaculture of three types of spatial protection measures: (i) Fish Stock Recovery Areas (FSRAs), (ii) Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), and areas designated as (iii) Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs). The research assesses how far fisheries co-management approaches can potentially help to achieve the European Union targets. The study uses three case studies from France, Spain and Greece ...

This EPRS study looks at whether, and under what conditions, greater effectiveness could be achieved in overall public spending at all levels of the European Union through greater pooling of resources at European level. It suggests that added value can be realised in public spending, through efficiency gains and lower administrative costs, delivered by and through the EU budget, usually with corresponding savings to national budgets. The study provides a methodology for assessing the ‘waste rate’ ...

The rapid growth of digital finance and crypto-assets has raised questions about the appropriate regulatory perimeter and the ability of the existing regulatory architecture to adapt to changing conditions. In this study, we evaluate the impact in terms of benefits and in terms of risk reduction that the adoption of an EU legislative initiative on a framework for crypto-assets, on cyber-resilience and on a data strategy would bring.

Budget flexibility can be defined as the capacity to reorient resources quickly to meet changed circumstances, unexpected events or new policy priorities. There are three different ways of introducing flexibility in the budgetary process: by relaxing constraints on annual budgets and enhancing the capacity of legislative bodies to set annual spending priorities (legislative flexibility), by giving more discretion to executive units on how to execute their allocations (executive flexibility), and ...

European Accessibility Act

Briefing 15-07-2019

To ensure the full participation of people with disabilities in society, and to reduce the fragmentation of legislation governing access to products and services, the European Commission has adopted a proposal for a directive – often referred to as the European Accessibility Act. This proposal, published on 2 December 2015, provides for a common EU definition of, and implementation framework for, accessibility requirements for certain products and services. It also aims to use the same accessibility ...

This study surveys the current status of large carnivores in Europe and assesses their impact on livestock from the available data on compensation payments and from field research. Recommendations on livestock protection measures are provided, as well on the integration of these into locally adapted holistic management systems.

Social enterprises combine societal goals with entrepreneurial spirit. These organisations focus on achieving wider social, environmental or community objectives. There is currently no specific European legal framework to help social enterprises to benefit from the internal market. Against this background, this European added value assessment identifies the challenges in the existing national legal frameworks regarding social enterprises. It argues that action at EU level would generate economic ...

This study discusses economic implications of the proposed EU regulation on the market of CE marked fertilizers. Depending on the design of the regulation, the costs can be substantial. The expected additional costs of introducing mandatory or voluntary maximum threshold levels for cadmium in inorganic fertilizer are larger than the expected benefits. Measuring cadmium concentration in food in combination with food consumption information seems to be a more cost-effective strategy. Harmonizing the ...

Gold-plating describes additional rules and regulatory obligations that go beyond the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) requirements set out at European Union (EU) level, and that make the implementation of ESIF more costly and burdensome for programme bodies and beneficiaries. The study analyses gold-plating in all five funds and discusses the presence, reasons and effects of gold-plating in ESIF. It concludes with pointers for action to reduce gold-plating in the current 2014-2020 ...