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Delivering a new deal for energy consumers

Накратко 23-05-2016

In July 2015 the European Commission published a communication 'Delivering a New Deal for Energy Consumers', outlining its views on the role of consumers in the Energy Union. This argues that retail energy markets in the EU have not kept up with broader transformations in the energy sector and need to be improved so that consumers can play a more active role and benefit more fully from the single market, renewable energies and new technologies. At the May II plenary session the Parliament is due ...

A New Deal for energy consumers

Briefing 05-01-2016

On 15 July 2015, the European Commission adopted a Communication on Delivering a New Deal for energy consumers ('New Deal'), as part of the Summer Energy Package. The New Deal is one of several consumer-related actions envisaged in the Energy Union strategy, and is designed to inform future actions in this field, including proposed legislation. The New Deal highlights the need for greater transparency around energy prices: wholesale and retail prices are diverging as taxes account for a growing ...

Understanding energy efficiency

Briefing 01-10-2015

The European Commission considers energy efficiency as a strategic priority for the Energy Union, and promotes 'energy efficiency first' as a principle. It proposes to rethink energy efficiency fundamentally, and treat it as an energy source in its own right. By using energy more efficiently, energy demand can be reduced, leading to lower energy bills for consumers, lower emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants, reduced need for energy infrastructure, and increased energy security through ...

Smart electricity grids feature in the European Commission's Energy Union package and constitute a priority for the EU in the energy field. Proponents of smart grids argue they can contribute to a more efficient use of energy, increasing the share of renewables in the energy mix, reducing the infrastructure required to supply electricity, and curbing overall energy consumption. Smart grids can also empower consumers, making them more aware of their energy use and able to adjust it in response to ...