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Настоящото изследване хвърля светлина върху дела по вид транспорт на пристанищния трафик в ЕС. То обединява данни за пристанищния трафик и характеристиките му и анализира различните видове транспорт, използвани за свързване на пристанищата с крайните местоназначения на стоките, включително трансбордиране, морски транспортни операции на къси разстояния и вътрешни пристанища. То подкрепя оценката на постигнатия напредък към достигане на целите на политиката за преминаване от автомобилен транспорт ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment accompanying its proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework on the market access to port services and the financial transparency of ports (COM (2013) 296), submitted on 23 May 2013. It analyses whether the principal criteria laid down in the Commission’s own Impact Assessment Guidelines, as well as additional factors ...

The widening of the Panama Canal, on which works commenced in September 2007, as well as the steady growth of India and China have a significant impact on certain European ports in view of competitiveness, organisation and capacity. The impact will be analysed in this note.

European Sea Port Policy

Проучване 01-07-1993

Examines the general framework and criteria for a possible European Seaport Policy, evolutionary scenarios, the institutional features of ports, the problem of competition, a ports policy within a global transport policy, and other pertinent issues. Sets out the main options and recommendations for an EU ports policy.