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Cultural policy in EU and external relations

Накратко 07-12-2022

The implementation of two European Commission documents on cultural policies is under scrutiny at a moment when the European Union is awaiting new guiding principles for its cultural policy. One document focuses on the role of culture in external relations and the way to establish an EU strategy in this domain. The other proposes objectives and specific actions regarding the role of culture in the EU's society and economy.

This publication provides an assessment of the implementation of the European agenda for culture and of the EU strategy on international cultural relations. It highlights achievements and shortcomings of EU cultural policies, so as to inform and support policy makers ahead of the adoption of the next Council work plan for culture and the potential future revision of the agenda and of the strategy.

In the joint communication “Towards an EU strategy for international cultural relations” from 8 June 2016, the Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy have drawn up a strategy for the EU’s international cultural relations, departing from “showcasing” and working towards a cooperative peer-to-peer learning approach. The Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) and the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) have decided to draw up an own-initiative report on the ...


Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-02-2017

Дейността на Европейския съюз в областта на културата допълва културната политика на държавите членки в различни сектори: например опазването на европейското културно наследство, сътрудничество между културните институции на различните държави и насърчаване на мобилността сред работещите в областта на творчеството. Секторът на културата се влияе също така от разпоредби на Договорите, които не спадат изрично към областта на културата.

Целта на проучването е да се осигури по-добро разбиране за ролята, която националните културни институти на държавите — членки на ЕС биха могли да изпълняват в рамките на европейска стратегия за културата във външните отношения на ЕС. То анализира силните и слабите страни на техните мисии, структури и ресурси. Анализът има за цел да установи дали техните дейности имат европейско измерение и дали те ще могат да помогнат на ЕС в по-нататъшното популяризиране на неговите приоритети и основни ценности ...

The Ibero-American Conference

Накратко 08-09-2015

Established in 1991 as the only truly regional space for dialogue and cooperation, the Ibero-American Conference is the first bi-continental international organisation, gathering Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries of Europe and the Americas. With the gradual emergence of other regional fora, it has had to adapt to the changing environment.

During the last decades, technological changes and globalisation have altered international relations. Just as the growth of telecommunications and transport technologies has facilitated the rapid dissemination of information and the global movement of people, traditional diplomacy has gradually grown to incorporate new methods, in which people-to-people contacts, networks and non-state actors play an influential role. The EU engages in cultural, education and scientific cooperation activities with ...

The Creative Europe Programme

Накратко 17-11-2014

'Culture is the petrol of countries that are rich in history and talent', declared Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General, at its World Forum on Culture and Cultural Industries in Florence in October 2013. Indeed, culture and creativity are integral to a wide variety of economic activities. These aspects are addressed in the Creative Europe Programme which explores their potential in achieving the EU's goals of smart growth and job creation as set out in the Europe 2020 Strategy.

Настоящото проучване се проведе в отговор на призива на Европейския парламент за всеобхватна оценка на дългосрочните последици от домакинските изяви по програма „Европейска столица на културата“ (ЕСК). Негова основна цел е да се проучи големият набор от публикувани материали относно домакините на ЕСК, с цел: да се установят най-често срещаните стратегии за успех; да се извърши преглед на доказателствата относно въздействията и дългосрочните последици от културна, икономическа и социална гледна точка ...

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is an intergovernmental organisation with a strong religious element that regroups 57 Muslim or predominantly Muslim member states. Its priorities are promoting the interests of Muslim communities across the world and fighting Islamophobia, especially in the Western world. The OIC has a loose parliamentary arm, the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC), based in Tehran. The PUIC has a rather limited role and low visibility, as it merely ...