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The Bologna Declaration marked the launch of the Bologna Process, which led to the formation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in 2010. The process now brings together 47 European countries in a common effort to make their higher education systems compatible and comparable. Participants face the challenge of making different systems more easily recognisable whilst respecting academic freedom and autonomy, as well as cultural and linguistic diversity.

Higher education in the EU: Approaches, issues and trends

Задълбочен анализ 30-03-2015

The performance and quality of higher education has become a vital sign of a country’s capacity to foster its future economic development. The race for talent is currently open on a global scale. In spite of the fact that the United States is still the global leader with 17% of international students, the EU is increasingly popular with the United Kingdom, France and Germany accounting respectively for 13%, 6%, and 6% of world students. One of the elements accounting for the global attraction of ...

Recognition of professional qualifications

Накратко 03-10-2013

Difficulties in recognition of professional qualifications (RPQ) continue to be one obstacle to mobility of workers. In order to facilitate and accelerate the RPQ process the European Commission proposed to modernise the 2005 Directive and introduce the voluntary European Professional Card using the system for electronic exchange of administrative information.

ЕКР е инструмент, който цели да насърчава мобилността на работниците и учащите и ученето през целия живот чрез съотнасяне на националните квалификационни системи. При анализа на целесъобразността, прилагането и първите резултати може да се направи заключението, че въпреки че прилагането на ЕКР може да се оцени като успешно, са установени някои значими проблеми, които представляват сериозно изпитание за пълното и надеждно прилагане на ЕКР. Въпреки това е необходимо прилагането на ЕКР да продължи, ...

Настоящото проучването изследва до каква степен европейските студенти срещат финансови и други пречки, за да участват в програма „Еразъм”. Данните сочат, че основните пречки за участие в програмата варират значително в различните страни, като се изключи въпросът с финансовите средства, който е важен източник на загриженост за студентите навсякъде. Участието в „Еразъм” е свързано със социално-икономическата среда на студентите, повлияно преди всичко от личните предпочитания и съображения относно баланса ...

The Bologna process

Briefing 16-03-2010

The Bologna Process provides the general framework for the reform of European higher education in 47 countries. Its objective is to establish a European Higher Education Area by 2010. The Bologna Process particularly aims at improving the compatibility and comparability of higher education systems. Its purpose is also to increase learners' mobility and universities' attractiveness.

The purpose of this note is to provide Members of the Committee on Culture and Education with an update on the achievements of EU Member States towards the implementation of the Bologna Process. This is an initiative for the modernisation and reform of the higher education sector in Europe, involving 46 countries, leading to the creation of a European Higher Education Area by 2010.

Education and Mobility

Задълбочен анализ 12-04-2006

In view of a delegation to the Inter-parliamentary conference ASEP-IV (Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership), which took place on 4-5 May 2005 in Helsinki, the Directorate General of External Policies asked for a briefing note on the subject of “Education and Mobility”. This note provides essential information on the main EU policies and outputs in the fields of education and training. A special focus will be on mobility. The note concludes with an overview over EU-Asia co-operation in higher education ...

Student Mobility

Проучване 09-09-2005

European policy papers stress the need to further improve the quantity and quality of overall international mobility in education. In this context, the study aims at providing up to date information on student mobility in secondary and tertiary level education and in vocational training. The study evaluates the extent of student mobility into and out of individual EU Member States. National measures to promote student mobility are analysed and compared with regard to their effectiveness and efficiency ...

The study sets out, in practical terms, the role of professional associations in the application of Community law. It examines their general characteristics, the nature of their powers, their relationship with their members and their responsibilities for the creation and implementation of ethical rules. It also analyses the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.