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Chinese strategic interests in European ports

Накратко 27-02-2023

China is increasingly investing in key European infrastructure, including ports. This is something that has drawn attention at both EU and Member State level, in particular regarding strategic dependency on China and how it affects the EU's economic interests. This short briefing provides an initial overview of existing, publicly known Chinese interests in EU ports.

The escalation of Russia's war on Ukraine, and recent incidents – such as the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage – highlight the urgent need to protect the EU's key infrastructure against physical and digital threats, including hybrid attacks. The European Parliament will use its powers of oversight in the revived 'question time', during the October II plenary session, to question the European Commission on the issue.

In July 2021, the European Commission presented the 'fit for 55' package – a set of proposals to make the EU's climate, energy, land-use, transport and taxation policies fit to reduce net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 55 % by 2030. The package includes a proposal to revise rules on deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure. Following a vote in its Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN), the European Parliament is due to vote on its position during the October II plenary session ...

With a particular focus on artificial intelligence (AI), this study identifies and examines policy options for the EU's data governance framework that align with a data justice perspective. A data justice approach is one that centres on equity, recognition and representation of plural interests, and the creation and preservation of public goods as its principal goals. The analysis offers both an assessment of the EU data governance strategy overall and specific policy options for the AI act, the ...

Productivity has a key role to play in the EU's long-term economic growth. The recent economic recovery has reversed the negative trend but concerns remain about long-term prospects. Productivity varies across the EU, with newer Member States reaching only about half the level of the older ones (EU-15) when measured in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) per hour worked, but showing a higher growth dynamic. The recent poor productivity growth in the EU raises a number of important policy questions ...

Public infrastructure consists of the basic physical assets and structures that support economic activity. Investment in such assets is markedly different from other types of capital expenditure, due to the heavy involvement of the public sector and the significant positive spill-over that it generates throughout the economy. Yet the same characteristics that underlie infrastructure investment can also result in its under-provision over time, due to factors such as fiscal constraints. In the European ...

Indonesia: Kick-starting a flagging economy?

Накратко 24-10-2016

Indonesia is by far the largest south-east Asian economy and a member of the G20. Structural problems are preventing the country from achieving its full economic potential and are dragging down growth. President Joko Widodo has set an ambitious economic reform agenda, but there are still enormous obstacles and it is too early to say whether his efforts will have a lasting impact.

In the past five years, the Turkish leadership has announced a series of megaprojects, the purpose of which is both to support national development, and to gain a place for the country in the world's top ten economies. The main megaprojects include the 'Canalistanbul', which will create an additional shipping channel from the Marmara Sea to the Black Sea, a new airport, with the ambition to be the busiest in the world, a third bridge across the Bosphorus in Istanbul, as well as nuclear power plants ...

Africa's economic growth: Taking off or slowing down?

Задълбочен анализ 04-01-2016

Since the turn of the millennium, Africa has achieved high and sustained growth rates, sparking hopes that the 21st century could be Africa's century. As the global economic context is turning less favourable, other drivers of growth than export commodities become essential. The primary sector (agriculture and extractive industries) will remain vital for most African countries but it has to generate more industrial processing locally. Services have contributed significantly to growth, being the fastest ...

Myanmar/Burma: The next tiger?

Накратко 22-10-2015

Decades of economic mismanagement have left formerly wealthy Myanmar/Burma one of the poorest countries in the world. However, prospects have brightened recently – foreign trade and investment are booming, growth is accelerating and decrepit infrastructure is being rebuilt, giving the country a chance of becoming the next south-east Asian 'tiger' economy.