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This in-depth analysis, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee, provides an update to the prior study considering the impact of Brexit on EU-27 and UK citizens. In particular, this analysis considers the citizens’ part of the Draft Withdrawal Agreement (DWA) which was agreed between the UK and the EU on 19 March 2018 and endorsed by the European Council on 23 March 2018. It highlights those situations ...

В настоящия доклад се описват връзките между транспорта и социалното приобщаване в съответствие с най-новата литература и предоставя данни относно групите от населението, изложени на по-голям риск от социално изключване и изключване от транспорта. Той също така дава примери за добри практики в подобряването на достъпността на обществения транспорт за най- уязвимите потребители, с цел да се изведат някои признаци за подобряване на ролята на ЕС за улесняване на интегрирането на проблемите, свързани ...

Unemployment and Labour Market Support

Накратко 07-10-2014

Labour Market Supports are government interventions that provide financial assistance to individuals in difficult labour market circumstances: to compensate them for loss of wage or salary and to support them during job search, or to facilitate early retirement. Long-term unemployed are those who were registered as unemployed throughout the last 12 months.