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Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-09-2017

В съответствие с принципа на субсидиарност политиките в областта на висшето образование се решават на равнището на отделните държави членки. Ролята на ЕС следователно е предимно поддържаща и координираща. Основните цели на действията на Съюза в областта на висшето образование са: подкрепа на мобилността на студенти и преподаватели; поощряване на взаимното признаване на дипломи и срокове на обучение; насърчаване на сътрудничеството между висшите учебни заведения и развитие на дистанционното (университетско ...

This study investigates national constitutional limits to further EU integration and explores ways to overcome them. It includes an in-depth examination of the constitutional systems of 12 Member States (Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and the United Kingdom) and a bird’s eye view of all Member States. EU integration can be advanced by avoiding substantive constitutional obstacles in various ways. Overcoming the substantive ...

This compendium includes articles of a number of eminent experts invited by the Policy Department C to exchange with the Members of the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament on the issues related to the challenges of the multi-tier governance in the EU. They aim at providing unique insights into the major questions of efficiency, effectiveness and legitimacy that the EU governance is currently facing. While dealing with the lessons from the past experiences of the differentiated ...

The European Council is increasingly central to the governance of the European Union. Even if national parliaments have originally focused their involvement in EU affairs on the ordinary legislative process, most of the chambers have started to develop specific activities, before or after European summits. From ex-ante influence to ex-post accountability, seven different models of control have been identified. Beyond their differences rooted in national democratic systems, they call for twelve recommendations ...

The Cost/Benefit Analysis of the ENP for the EU's Eastern Partners

Задълбочен анализ 25-09-2007