Think Tank

Think Tank

Think Tank

Dokumenty, které pomáhají utvářet nové předpisy EU

Nejnovější zveřejněné dokumenty

Zveřejněno na 18-04-2024

The supplementary protection certificate (SPC) is a specific intellectual property right that extends the basic patent's market exclusivity for plant protection products. The unitary patent became operational in the EU on 1 June 2023, unifying patent protection in all participating Member States. Despite this significant change, SPCs, which are inseparable from patent protection, remain regulated at national level. This fragmented regulatory approach has proven ineffective, leading to excessive administrative ...

European health data space

Briefing 18-04-2024

The COVID-19 pandemic shone a light on the growing importance of digital health technologies, both to enable remote medical care and to facilitate the health response from international, national and local authorities. The European Commission's May 2022 proposal for a regulation on a European health data space aims to improve individuals' access to and control over their electronic personal data (primary use), while facilitating data re-use for the good of society across the EU (secondary use). The ...

Climate change, a global phenomenon, affects every aspect of our lives, including cultural heritage in both its forms – tangible and intangible. Extreme weather conditions expose these important elements of our cultural identity to serious threats. These threats must be addressed to protect valuable sites and preserve them for future generations. Research on climate change is not a novelty, but climate change as it relates to cultural heritage is a relatively new area of exploration and policy. The ...

Zveřejněno na 17-04-2024
Zveřejněno na 13-06-2019

Evropský parlament: Pravomoci

Fakta a čísla o EU 18-04-2024

Parlament svou institucionální úlohu při tvorbě evropské politiky uplatňuje prostřednictvím výkonu různých funkcí. Jeho účastí na legislativním procesu, rozpočtovými a kontrolními pravomocemi, účastí na revizi Smluv a právem intervenovat u Soudního dvora Evropské unie je zajištěno respektování demokratických zásad na evropské úrovni.

Chystané akce

EPRS Policy Talks 2023-2024
Semináře EPRS

What is the EU doing for 'Climate Refugees'?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Joanna Apap, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

Please just drop in! No registration is required.

EPRS Policy Talks 2023-2024
Semináře EPRS

What is the EU doing to safeguard the mental health of its citizens?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Virginia Mahieu, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

Please just drop in! No registration is required.

EPRS Policy Talks 2023-2024
Semináře EPRS

What is the EU doing on EU climate action?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Henrique Andre Morgado Simoes, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

Please just drop in! No registration is required.

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