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Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni are invited to the 15th Recovery and Resilience Dialogue (RRD) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) Regulation. The previous RRD took place on 5 February 2024. This briefing comments on the Commission’s RRF midterm review in section 1, focuses on some of the Commission’s recent preliminary assessments related to payment requests submitted by Czechia, Denmark, and Malta in section 2, summarises the state of play of the implementation ...

The Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) will hold an exchange of views with the parliamentary Committees on Budget and on Anti-corruption Policies of the Ukrainian Parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, on 20 March 2024. This briefing provides background information for that debate.

Příjmy Unie

Fakta a čísla o EU 14-12-2023

Rozpočet EU je financován převážně z vlastních zdrojů (z více než 90 %). Roční příjmy musí zcela pokrývat roční výdaje. O systému vlastních zdrojů rozhoduje Rada jednomyslně s přihlédnutím ke stanovisku Evropského parlamentu. Systém musí ratifikovat členské státy. V letech 2022 a 2023 navrhla Komise reformu systému vlastních zdrojů, sestávající ze dvou balíčků o nových vlastních zdrojích.

Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni are invited to the 13th Recovery and Resilience Dialogue (RRD) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) Regulation. The previous RRD took place on 2 October. This briefing describes the state of play of the implementation of the RRF, and then focusses on an analysis of those modified RRPs that contain a REPowerEU chapter and were already approved by the Council, detailing on some information presented therein and commenting ...

Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni are invited to the 12th Recovery and Resilience Dialogue (RRD) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) Regulation. The previous RRD took place on 10 July. This briefing first focusses on the Commission’s Annual Report on the implementation of the RRF published on 19 September (i.e. 18 months after the previous report), summarising the information presented therein and commenting it when considered necessary. The second part ...

This briefing describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for the ECA member in Slovakia and the country's new candidate.

This briefing provides background information on the financing needs of Ukraine’s reconstruction, options to finance the process and the possible role of the EU budget, as well as the governance architecture and the involvement of the European Parliament.

Most of the Member States have used corporate sponsorship during their Council presidency. Although the official meetings of the Council are financed by the EU budget, the rotating presidency usually organises unofficial meetings and events that are not covered, while other extra costs also incur due to the presidency tasks. Even the regular Council tasks may costs extra for the Member State holding the presidency as it may need to reinforce the permanent representation in Brussels, send more diplomats ...

This briefing describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for the ECA member in Hungary and the country's candidate.

Statistical own resources could be devised to create more independence from the Gross National Income (GNI) contribution and address policy issues at the same time. Statistical own resources should practically be based on information already collected by Eurostat. Therefore, Member States do not have to provide new data. The base and call-rate of a policy-linked statistical contribution could be designed and fine-tuned to entail deliberate distributive implications among Member States. This could ...