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The Republic of Iceland is one of the smallest European countries, with a population of 370,000 inhabitants in 2021 . It is an island state and its official language is Icelandic. Historically, geographically and politically, Iceland is connected to the Scandinavian countries and is part of the Nordic countries, but does not belong to the EU. Iceland is a part of the EEA Agreement, which enables the country to enjoy the benefits of the EU’s single market without the full privileges and responsibilities ...

Recent migration flows to the EU

Ve stručnosti 03-06-2021

This infographic aims to present the latest available data on migrant flows to the EU in the year 2020. It covers the detection of illegal crossings on the EU's external borders and numbers of deaths of migrants on those crossings. This Infographic updates and complements previous editions, the most recent of which was issued in April 2020 (PE 649.329).

Rozšiřování Unie

Fakta a čísla o EU 01-09-2017

Dne 1. července 2013 se 28. členským státem Evropské unie stalo Chorvatsko. Jeho přistoupení, které následovalo po přistoupení Rumunska a Bulharska dne 1. ledna 2007, představovalo šesté rozšíření EU. Nyní probíhají přístupová jednání s Černou Horou, Srbskem a Tureckem. Dalšími kandidátskými zeměmi jsou Albánie a Bývalá jugoslávská republika Makedonie a potenciálními kandidátskými zeměmi Bosna a Hercegovina a Kosovo.

Evropský hospodářský prostor (EHP) byl vytvořen v roce 1994 s cílem rozšířit ustanovení EU o vnitřním trhu na Evropské sdružení volného obchodu (ESVO). Smluvními stranami EHP jsou Norsko, Island a Lichtenštejnsko. Švýcarsko je členem ESVO, ale nikoliv EHP. Partnery v EU a EHP (Norsko a Island) spojují také různé oblasti „severní politiky“ a fóra, která se zaměřují na rychle se rozvíjející severní části Evropy a na celou arktickou oblast.

Relations between the European Union and Russia remain strained after, late in June, the EU extended its sanctions against the country until 31 January 2018, citing a lack of progress in the implementation of the Minsk agreements aimed at ending the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Russia's annexation of Crimea and its conflict with Ukraine have challenged the post-Cold War security order in Europe. Russia's other assertive foreign policy moves, such as its role in the Syrian war and steps to extend its ...

The financial storm that swept Iceland in 2008 has had long-lasting effects on the country's domestic political climate. Despite the remarkably speedy economic recovery, the post-crash political crisis has continued to evolve. New, alternative political movements have mushroomed, and the anti-establishment Pirate Party is expecting a big boost in the 29 October snap elections.

EU Arctic policy has evolved significantly in recent years, culminating in the April 2016 Joint Communication from the European Commission and the HRVP for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The Communication focuses on the environment and climate change, sustainable development, and peaceful international cooperation, with overarching support for scientific research. This coincides with most of the priorities of the EU’s Arctic Member States, Denmark, Finland and Sweden. The Communication does ...

EFTA states have built up a network of 26 preferential trade agreements (PTAs) with 37 partners, compared to more than 120 trade agreements concluded by the EU with more than 45 partners. There are substantial differences between EU and EFTA PTAs in terms of scope and ambition. EFTA agreements still focus on traditional areas of market access, while the post-1990 EU agreements are more elaborate, values-driven, political and comprehensive. As a bloc, the EU has more leverage when it negotiates ...

Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol

Ve stručnosti 29-05-2015

The European Parliament is asked to give its consent to the European Union's ratification of two climate-related agreements: the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol and an agreement between the EU and Iceland concerning the joint fulfilment of commitments under the Protocol. The Doha Amendment establishes a second commitment period (2013–20) for the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases.

Rights-based fisheries management systems alter the incentives for discarding and harvesting selectivity compared to the alternatives. Nations that have adopted individual transferable quotas (ITQs) in their fisheries generally have comparatively low discard rates. This is partly due to the attributes of the ITQ system and partly due to clever methods adopted by these nations in order to reduce discards in their fisheries.