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This study analyses how the CAP and state aid support farm competitiveness, including the role of young farmers and women. Challenges and drivers of EU farm competitiveness are identified. Key competitiveness indicators are analysed and their limitations are considered. The level of CAP support to competitiveness is assessed, with a comparison of the 2014-2022 and 2023-2027 programming periods. The study illustrates the Member States’ differentiated approaches to supporting competitiveness.

This At a glance note summarises the study evaluating the challenges, opportunities and medium-term prospects for the EU dairy sector in light of milk quota abolition. The study focuses on structural change in the sector, the dynamics of the dairy market, the need for environmental resilience and rural sustainability. The specific concerns of disadvantaged dairy regions are also addressed. The report offers policy recommendations for the European Parliament's consideration to bolster dairy farming ...

The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

This At a glance note summarises the study presenting the concepts and methods of farm certification schemes and provides information on the main existing schemes in the EU and in third countries. It analyses how these schemes can help the EU reach its sustainability objectives in the farming sector and be instrumental in the implementation and monitoring of the related CAP instruments during the upcoming programming period.

European Union food system

Briefing 10-09-2020

The European Union (EU) food system is a complex and integrated structure of sectors whose governance is ensured by various EU sectoral policies. Its strengths and weaknesses became evident during the coronavirus crisis: food supplies were assured but the pandemic also revealed where action is needed to avoid disruptions threatening food supply. The recent launch of the EU 'Farm to Fork' strategy provides a first attempt at a common EU food policy, outlining the way forward for all food-related sectors ...

Desertification and agriculture

Briefing 10-02-2020

Desertification is a land degradation process that occurs in drylands. It affects the land's capacity to supply ecosystem services, such as producing food or hosting biodiversity, to mention the most well known ones. Its drivers are related to both human activity and the climate, and depend on the specific context. More than 1 billion people in some 100 countries face some level of risk related to the effects of desertification. Climate change can further increase the risk of desertification for ...

Nástroje SZP a jejich reformy

Fakta a čísla o EU 01-06-2017

Společná zemědělská politika (SZP) prošla v průběhu své existence pěti velkými reformami, z nichž poslední se uskutečnily v roce 2003 (revize v polovině období), v roce 2009 („kontrola stavu“) a v roce 2013 (na finanční období 2014–2020). První rozpravy o SZP po roce 2020 byly zahájeny v roce 2016.

This study presents the main trends in total factor and resource productivity in recent decades. The main pathways for sustainable intensification are explored through case studies and policy analysis. The paper presents a normative analysis of policy tools able to reconcile productivity and sustainability requirements and also provides policy recommendations to promote a resource-efficient, productive, climate-friendly and resilient EU agricultural sector.

Organic production and the European Union

Podrobná analýza 16-02-2015

Organic agriculture views itself as respecting natural cycles by refraining from the use of genetically modified organisms, by limiting the use of synthetic chemical products and by ensuring animal welfare. Organic production, regulated and supported at EU level, is controlled, certified and labelled. The specifications list also adapts to different kinds of production. Initially a niche market, organic agriculture now represents a European market worth more than EUR 22 billion a year, with demand ...

This briefing seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying its proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on organic production and labelling of organic products (COM (2014) 180), which was adopted on 24 March 2014. It does not attempt to deal with the substance of the proposal and is drafted for informational and background purposes to assist the AGRI committee and its Members in ...