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This economic assessment of EU state aid principles and practises related to the COVID-19 pandemic confirms the clear focus on maintaining the level playing field in the EU single market. Future monitoring and policy fine-tuning, focusing on SMEs, and keeping all Member States involved are the main challenges. Moreover, current policies fail to incorporate a strong focus on broader, strategic policy goals like the green and digital transformation of the European economy or the enhancing of EU firms ...

On 8 January 2019, Banca Carige’s temporary administrators issued a press statement setting out some initiatives they have taken to secure the future of the bank. This briefing contains background information on the case of Banca Carige and links the initiatives taken to respective legal requirements stemming from the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) and the rules for State Aid (SA).

This paper is part of a series of five studies on mis-selling of financial products in the EU. The paper analyses three important and highly publicised cases of mis-selling of investment products to retail clients, featuring interesting legal particularities: the Citibank case, the Dexia case and the Fortis case. On the basis of this analysis, the paper draws a number of conclusions on the national and EU regulatory framework in respect of investor compensation. This document was provided by Policy ...

Competition in Air Transport

Studie 16-04-2018

Competition in the aviation sector pertains to different sets of rules, competition law on the one hand and, given the cross-border interdependencies of transport markets, international rules on the other hand. The workshop aimed to examine the current situation of competition in air transport using the proposed regulation on Safeguarding competition in air transport, repealing Regulation (EC) No 868/2004 as a practical example and starting point for the discussion. The Committee on Economic and ...

State Aid and EU funding: are they compatible?

Podrobná analýza 16-04-2018

State aid involves the transfer of state resources. These are resources which are controlled by public authorities. EU funds which are granted directly to undertakings without coming under the control of a public authority of a Member State cannot be considered to be state resources. However, EU funds channelled through managing authorities become state resources and can constitute state aid if all the other criteria of Article 107(1) TFEU are satisfied.

As required by the regulation, the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020 – the European Union (EU) framework programme (FP) for research and innovation – began in October 2016 with a public consultation to gather feedback from stakeholders three years in. The Commission performed its own mid-term evaluation and asked experts to evaluate the programme's specific instruments. In parallel, the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the advisory committees conducted their own, separate evaluations ...

European Union funding co-managed by Member State authorities is considered to be a state resource that may only be granted in conformity with the rules on state aid. Compliance with both state aid and Structural Funds’ rules appears to be problematic, hence this study identifies the relevant issues in the interface between these two sets of rules and makes proposals to facilitate compliance.

This note, prepared by Policy Department A for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, summarises the main points presented by the study on Competition policy and an internal energy market with a view to achieve an effectively working internal market in this sector.

Státní podpora pro regiony

Fakta a čísla o EU 01-11-2017

Účelem státní podpory pro regiony je podporovat hospodářský rozvoj a tvorbu pracovních míst v nejvíce znevýhodněných regionech Evropy.

Politika hospodářské soutěže

Fakta a čísla o EU 01-11-2017

Pravidla hospodářské soutěže na vnitřním trhu jsou stanovena v článcích 101 až 109 Smlouvy o fungování Evropské unie (SFEU). Zakazují dohody mezi podniky omezující hospodářskou soutěž. Podniky s dominantním postavením na trhu nesmí svého postavení zneužívat k ovlivňování obchodu mezi členskými státy. Spojování či převzetí podniků s významem pro celou Unii podléhá kontrole Evropské komise a může být v některých případech zakázáno. Je zakázáno poskytovat státní podpory určitým podnikům či produktům ...