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Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni are invited to the 14th Recovery and Resilience Dialogue (RRD) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) Regulation. The previous RRD took place on 11 December 2023. This briefing describes the state of play of the implementation of the RRF, and then focusses on the Commission’s recent preliminary assessments of milestones and targets related to payment requests submitted by Portugal, Germany, France, Slovakia, and Italy.

Makroøkonomisk overvågning

EU-faktablade 30-01-2024

EU har i løbet af det seneste årti oplevet store makroøkonomiske ubalancer (der har forværret de negative virkninger af finanskrisen, som brød ud i 2008) og alvorlige forskelle i konkurrenceevne (hvilket har hindret en effektiv anvendelse af fælles pengepolitiske foranstaltninger). I 2011 oprettede EU proceduren i forbindelse med makroøkonomiske ubalancer (PMU) – en overvågnings- og håndhævelsesprocedure, som har til formål at lette tidlig konstatering og korrektion af makroøkonomiske ubalancer i ...

Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium and Minister of Finance is participating in the ECON Committee in his capacity of President of the ECOFIN Council during the Belgian Presidency (January - June 2024). In accordance with the Treaty of the Union, “Member States shall regard their economic policies as a matter of common concern and shall coordinate them within the Council”. This document provides an overview of the Belgian Presidency priorities in ECON matters, including the Council ...

Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni have been invited to an Economic Dialogue on the fiscal part of the 2024 European Semester autumn package adopted by the Commission in November 2023. The fiscal elements of the package include the Commission Opinions on the euro area 2024 Draft Budgetary Plans, the fiscal policy recommendation for the euro area and some elements of the 2024 Alert Mechanism Report. In 2024, the general escape clause of the Stability and Growth Pact will ...

This paper provides and overview of the role of the European Parliament in scrutinising the application and implementation of the EU economic governance framework, notably by holding Economic Dialogues with the EU executive institutions and, when applicable, with Member States’ governments. We also assess the envisaged role for EU parliaments in the European Commission’s economic governance reform proposals, notably as regards transparency and parliamentary involvement at EU and national level. This ...

EU's finanspolitiske ramme

EU-faktablade 14-12-2023

For at sikre stabilitet i Den Økonomiske og Monetære Union er der brug for en robust ramme for så vidt muligt at undgå uholdbare offentlige finanser. En reform (som led i den såkaldte "sixpack"), der ændrer stabilitets- og vækstpagten, trådte i kraft ved udgangen af 2011. Endnu en reform på dette politikområde, den mellemstatslige traktat om stabilitet, samordning og styring i Den Økonomiske og Monetære Union, herunder den finanspolitiske aftale, trådte i kraft i begyndelsen af 2013. I maj 2013 trådte ...

This document provides an overview of key developments under the Stability and Growth Pact on the basis of the latest Council fiscal recommendations and decisions and the latest European Commission economic forecasts. It also includes a section on the on-going review of the EU fiscal framework. This document is regularly updated.

Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni are invited to the 13th Recovery and Resilience Dialogue (RRD) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) Regulation. The previous RRD took place on 2 October. This briefing describes the state of play of the implementation of the RRF, and then focusses on an analysis of those modified RRPs that contain a REPowerEU chapter and were already approved by the Council, detailing on some information presented therein and commenting ...

Økonomisk styring

EU-faktablade 05-12-2023

Ved økonomisk styring forstås det system af institutioner og procedurer, der er etableret med henblik på at opfylde EU's målsætninger på det økonomiske område, nemlig samordning af de økonomiske politikker til fremme af økonomiske og sociale fremskridt for EU og borgerne. Den finansielle, finanspolitiske og økonomiske krise, der brød ud i 2008, viste, at EU manglede en økonomisk styringsmodel, der var mere effektiv end den økonomiske og finansielle samordning, der indtil da havde været i brug. Tiltagene ...

This document provides a snapshot of the state-of-play on EU national parliaments involvement at the early stage (spring 2023) of the current EU economic governance reform debate. The summary is based on replies from 20 parliament chambers from 16 EU member states