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EU-faktablade 01-09-2017

Den europæiske naboskabspolitik (ENP) omfatter Algeriet, Egypten, Israel, Jordan, Libanon, Libyen, Marokko, Palæstina, Syrien og Tunesien. Den består af bilaterale politikker mellem EU og de ti enkelte partnerlande samt en regional samarbejdsramme, Middelhavsunionen. Som reaktion på opstandene i dets sydlige naboskabsområde øgede EU i 2011 støtten til den demokratiske omstillingsproces inden for rammerne af ENP. EU reviderede ENP yderligere i 2015.

In response to the migration challenge, on 13 May 2015 the European Commission presented the European Agenda on Migration, with the aim of setting out a comprehensive approach for improving the management of migration in all its aspects. Several implementation packages under the Agenda have already been adopted and the measures therein are starting to be deployed; legislative proposals have also been made and are currently being discussed in Parliament and Council.

This briefing presents a short summary of the positions taken by the European Parliament on issues related to migration and asylum in its most recent relevant Resolutions. It has been prepared for the high-level conference on migration management which takes place on 21st June 2017.