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Faced with the need to provide long-term support to Ukraine and upgrade its own defence, the EU is revisiting its financing arrangements for the Common Security and Defence component.

Gennemførelse af budgettet

EU-faktablade 09-06-2023

Kommissionen er ansvarlig for gennemførelsen af budgettet i samarbejde med medlemsstaterne, men den er underlagt politisk kontrol fra Europa-Parlamentets side.

This joint workshop gave members of the BUDG and CONT Committees an overview of global efforts to finance the fight against climate change and of the EU’s role in this context. Key findings were:  The EU’s contribution, both regulatory and financial, is consid-erable and exceeds its ‘fair share’;  However, a significant gap remains between actual commit-ments globally and the agreed funding level of USD 100 bil-lion per year;  Even more funding will have to be mobilised, including from private ...

The commissioner-designate, Nicolas Schmit, appeared before the European Parliament on 1 October 2019 to answer questions from MEPs in the Committees on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) and on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON). During the hearing, he made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document.

An overview of key findings of the Study "The European Social Fund: Beneficiaries' experience in the Current Funding Period", produced by Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL).

This paper has been prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the European Parliament's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. It presents recent developments and challenges related to employment and unemployment; income inequality and poverty in Bulgaria, comparing them to the trends for the European Union. The paper also provides an overview and analysis of the most impactful policies designed and implemented to address the above, in view of the European Pillar of Social Rights and ...

Sundhed og sikkerhed på arbejdspladsen

EU-faktablade 01-06-2017

Forbedring af sundhed og sikkerhed på arbejdspladsen har været et vigtigt anliggende for EU siden 1980'erne. Ved indførelsen af lovgivning på EU-plan er der blevet fastlagt et sæt minimumsstandarder for beskyttelse af arbejdstagerne, men den forhindrer ikke medlemsstaterne i at beholde eller indføre strengere bestemmelser. Da Lissabontraktaten trådte i kraft, blev Den Europæiske Unions charter om grundlæggende rettigheder retligt bindende, og sundheds- og sikkerhedspolitikken blev derved til et endnu ...

Den Europæiske Socialfond

EU-faktablade 01-06-2017

Den Europæiske Socialfond (ESF) blev oprettet ved Romtraktaten med henblik på at forbedre arbejdstagernes mobilitet og beskæftigelsesmuligheder på det fælles marked. Fondens opgaver og operationelle regler er efterfølgende blevet revideret for at afspejle udviklingen i økonomien og beskæftigelsessituationen i medlemsstaterne samt udviklingen i de politiske prioriteringer på EU-plan.

Key findings Based on earlier criticism of EMU policies, calls for complementing the European Semester exercise by a monitoring of social indicators, a ‘Social Triple A’ for Europe, were increasingly raised with the financial and economic crisis. Commission President Juncker made the issue into a central point of his policy agenda. In September 2015 he announced a ‘Pillar of Social Rights’, which should start with the euro area countries but remain open to others. The Commission proposal is ...