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The situation of Article 2 TEU values in Denmark

Indgående analyse 09-02-2024

This briefing, written by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group, examines the situation of Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in Denmark and how the values of Article 2 of the TEU are respected and implemented in the country.

In absolute figures, the Danish National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) is the sixth smallest national plan (or third smallest as a share of gross domestic product, GDP) under the unprecedented EU response to the crisis triggered by the coronavirus pandemic. Denmark's requested Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) allocation consists solely of the non-repayable grant (see figure below). Denmark was initially set to receive a €1 551.4 million grant allocation from the RRF, which corresponds ...

This Briefing, written by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee, provides background information for the FEMM Mission to Denmark scheduled from 15 to 17 May 2023. It includes information about female entrepreneurship in Denmark, challenges and programmes for women entrepreneurs, the action of the Danish institutions concerned and the role of the EU funding in supporting women's entrepreneurship in Denmark.

I år er der gået 50 år, siden Irland og Danmark undertegnede traktaterne om tiltrædelse af de tidligere Europæiske Fællesskaber. Vejen til medlemskab var ikke gnidningsløs for de to lande, eftersom deres første to ansøgninger, som de indgav i henholdsvis 1961 og 1967 sammen med Det Forenede Kongerige, reelt blev blokeret fra fransk side. Efter et regeringsskifte i Frankrig bekræftede de seks medlemmer af De Europæiske Fællesskaber deres tilslutning til en udvidelse af Fællesskaberne, og der blev ...

EU's bindende klima- og energimål for 2030 kræver, at medlemsstaterne vedtager nationale energi- og klimaplaner for perioden 2021-2030. I oktober 2020 offentliggjorde Europa-Kommissionen en vurdering af de enkelte nationale energi- og klimaplaner. En stor andel af danskerne (72 %) forventer, at de nationale regeringer gør noget ved klimaforandringerne. Danmark forelagde sin nationale energi- og klimaplan i december 2019. Landet tegner sig for 1,6 % af EU's nettodrivhusgasemissioner. Mellem 2005 og ...

The study provides an overview of general impacts of the development of offshore wind farms and other marine renewables on the European fishing sector. It further highlights pathways for possible co-existence solutions of both sectors, a description of best practice examples and lessons learnt, the identification of research gaps and last but not least the presentation of policy recommendations.

This study assesses the implementation of the EU fisheries control system under the current Regulation (EC) No 1244/2009. It focuses on the infringement procedures, sanctions and the application of the point system for serious infringements by Member States from 2014 to 2019. The research shows results based on interviews and survey replies by 17 out of 22 coastal Member States. And it presents case studies for the following seven countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania and ...

On the back of a number of high profile cases and alleged cases of money laundering, this briefing presents current initiatives and actions aiming at reinforcing the anti-money laundering supervisory and regulatory framework in the EU. This briefing first outlines (1) the EU supervisory architecture and the respective roles of European and national authorities in applying anti-money laundering legislation that have been further specified in the 5th AML Directive and (2) ways that have been proposed ...

This study presents a comparative overview of recent policy developments in Denmark, Finland and France. The focus of the analysis is on progress achieved in the last three years in the adaptation of the reception and integration system for the high numbers of new arrivals and on the main challenges encountered. Special attention is given to changes in perceptions, public opinion and political discourse with respect to the asylum and integration of refugees and how this influenced policy strategy ...

The EU-Norway agreement on the Skagerrak, allowing fishing vessels from Denmark, Norway and Sweden to fish in each other's waters, has been updated. The new agreement, aimed at bringing fisheries management in the Skagerrak into line with international principles of coastal state jurisdiction, was signed in January 2015 and has been applied provisionally pending its entry into force. Parliament's consent is necessary for the conclusion of this agreement.