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In June 2023, the Commission tabled a proposal ('FASTER') to make withholding tax procedures in the EU more efficient and secure for cross-border investors and Member State tax administrations, to the benefit of the EU capital markets union. The Council must vote unanimously, after consulting the Parliament, to adopt the directive. Parliament is due to vote its (non-binding) report during the February II plenary session.

The crypto-asset sector, while still relatively new, has already changed the world of payments and investment forever. The fast-changing and volatile nature of the sector and its growing market prominence poses challenges, however, for tax authorities, which are not always able to track the gains made from the trading of crypto-assets. The Commission's proposal to revise the directive on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation ('DAC8') seeks to set up a reporting framework that would ...

Actions taken to create a capital markets union (CMU) should have as their objective improving the range of financing options offered to companies and citizens. The European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs has adopted an own-initiative report on further development of the CMU, expected to be voted during the October I plenary session. It calls for specific measures to help finance businesses, promote long-term and cross-border investment, strengthen market architecture and ...

Financial Stability Risks and Policy Options

Indgående analyse 15-01-2020

We pay special attention to the different types of financial risk discussed in the public debate: equity, housing, corporate debt, public debt sustainability, and banks and insurance companies’ profits. Our assessment does not point to significant risks in the euro area even if attention should be drawn on some local or specific market segments. Even if monetary policy may not be the most appropriate tool to dampen these risks, the ECB has still some policy options to respond to an economic slowdown ...

Den globale finanskrise skabte stor opmærksomhed omkring reguleringen af og tilsynet med finansielle tjenesteydelser i EU. I tiden efter krisen foretog EU en omfattende gennemgang af sin politik for finansielle tjenesteydelser for at genskabe stabiliteten og tilliden i det finansielle system. I forbindelse med initiativer som f.eks. bankunionen og kapitalmarkedsunionen er der i de seneste år blevet foreslået mere end 40 nye foranstaltninger. Reformen af den finansielle sektor er stadig en igangværende ...

This summer has been a dramatic one for China's stocks markets, with most indices registering losses of more than 40 % from their annual high. European markets have also suffered, and many observers across the globe are now nervously focused on the Asian giant whose economy drove so many other countries' in recent years. Yet the real economic significance of the drama in China may not stem from its bourses' losses; those who lost money on China's stock market are only a small percentage of its citizens ...

On 15 January, the Swiss National Bank discontinued its currency ceiling, set at 1.20 Swiss francs to the euro, less than four years after its introduction. The Swiss franc (CHF) appreciated immediately, reaching as much as 0.97 CHF to the euro that day. This currency move has had, and will continue to have, an impact both on the Swiss and the euro area economies: the system that has been in place is described briefly below as well as the consequences of the Bank's decision.

In this study we assess the most important current regulatory initiatives for the banking sector to the extent possible and on the basis of existing literature. An extensive overview of relevant considerations regarding each measure is followed by a holistic impact assessment. While a direct impact on the real economy through a change in credit supply by banks is assessed to be small, it is difficult to judge the measures’ overall indirect influence on increasing stability. For this purpose six distinct ...

Executive Smmary The present study looks at a range of questions related to the social and economic consequences of private equity/LBO activity raised by the European Parliament. Overall, we find private equity to be a well-functioning, established industry that fulfils a crucial role in our economy by providing corporate financing and governance services for the efficient revitalization of underperforming mature businesses. Through long-term controlling investments, Private Equity Firms trigger ...