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Ever since the early history of European universities, academic freedom has been acknowledged to be a fundamental feature of any higher education research system or institution. The emergence of the research university model in Germany in the early 1800s, highlighting the basic concepts of Lehrfreiheit and Lernfreiheit, contributed strongly to the central position of academic freedom in present-day higher education systems. Following the widespread democratisation of Europe and other parts of the ...

In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the true degree of academic freedom around the world despite international declarations, and constitutional and legal protection. This study aims to support the European Parliament's STOA Panel in developing a procedure to monitor developments in academic freedom in the EU Member States. The study provides an overview of the interpretation of academic freedom in different international declarations, and offers a critical assessment of existing evaluation ...

This At a glance note summarises the study evaluating the selection procedures and assesses the experiences of the first years of the European Universities Initiative started in 2019. Since then, 44 European Universities alliances were created, with 340 participating higher education institutions. The study also drafts three scenarios to map future developments. Recommendations to the EP aim to strengthen the sustainability of the EUAs, create better regulatory conditions and improve the learning ...

In 2019 the European Universities Initiative started. Since then, 44 European Universities alliances were created, with 340 participating higher education institutions. This study evaluates the selection procedures and assesses the experiences of the first years. It also drafts three scenarios to map future developments. Recommendations to the EP aim to strengthen the sustainability of the EUAs, create better regulatory conditions and improve the learning processes.

The main aim of this report is to present and discuss the results of a survey concerning perspectives on fake news among undergraduate university students in central Europe and northern Italy. The survey was carried out in spring 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic. An online questionnaire was used. The report is therefore the product of what could be achieved under highly unusual circumstances and should serve as a pointer for further studies. Misinformation is always troubling, especially in ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee, provides a brief overview of the academic debates on Europeanisation as well as contestation and politicisation of the EU and European integration. Against this background, it focuses on the European public sphere(s), in particular those based on the media and parliaments. The study further discusses current reform proposals aiming to Europeanise ...

The autocratic policies pursued by Belarus's long-standing president, Alexander Lukashenko, have strained EU-Belarus ties over the years. Against this backdrop, the EU has geared all its programmes towards benefiting the Belarusian people at large. EU-Belarus relations did slowly begin to recover in the wake of the Ukraine crisis, but the backbone of EU-Belarus cooperation remains civil society support and people-to-people contacts.

Denne undersøgelse oplyser Europa-Parlamentets Kultur-og Uddannelsesudvalg om lærerkvaliteten i Europas grundskoler. Den gør status over situationen inden for lærernes grunduddannelse, støtte tidligt i karrieren og den løbende faglige udvikling i Europa set ud fra de enkelte læreres og læreruddanneres perspektiv. Vi rapporterer, i hvilken udstrækning disse elementer af den samlede læreruddannelse, hjælper lærerne med at håndtere udfordringer i klasseværelset og i uddannelsessystemet. Rapporten gør ...

Kommissionens meddelelse "Et ny partnerskab for modernisering af universiteterne: EU-forummet for dialogen mellem universiteterne og erhvervslivet" blev udsendt i april 2009. Den er et vigtigt initiativ i brobygningen mellem den akademiske verden og erhvervslivet i Europa. Den gør status over tidligere aktiviteter og kommer med forslag til de næste skridt i dialogen mellem universiteterne og erhvervslivet. Denne undersøgelse indeholder Deloittes analyse af samarbejdet mellem universiteterne og erhvervslivet ...

In recent years the number of professional and semi-professional athletes has grown significantly. Many of these athletes reach the end of their professional sports careers to find themselves without the necessary academic or other vocational qualifications to gain employment in other sectors. The aim of the study is to explore how the different EU Member States deal with this growing problem. It examines the following questions: provisions for the support of young athletes; quotas for the admission ...