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This document provides regularly updated information on EU Member States which have received financial assistance from the ESM, the EFSF, the EFSM, the EU balance of payments assistance facility, other Member States and/or the IMF. Since August 2018, all financial assistance programmes to EU Member States have been concluded; therefore, the document focuses on the implementation of the enhanced surveillance framework for Greece and post-programme reviews for Ireland, Portugal, Cyprus, Spain and Romania ...

This note provides a comparison of some key macroeconomic forecast indicators for the Euro Area as a whole published by the Commission, IMF, ECB and OECD.

Finansiel bistand til EU-medlemsstater

EU-faktablade 01-06-2017

EU's finansielle støttemekanismer har til formål at bevare den finansielle stabilitet i EU og euroområdet, idet alvorlige finansielle vanskeligheder i en medlemsstat kan have betydelige indvirkninger på den makrofinansielle stabilitet i en anden medlemsstat. Den finansielle støtte er knyttet til makroøkonomisk konditionalitet (der er snarere tale om et lån end en økonomisk overførsel) for at sikre, at medlemsstater, der modtager denne støtte, gennemfører de nødvendige finanspolitiske, økonomiske, ...

This document gives an overview of the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive and State Aid rules applicable for recapitalisation of banks.

The crisis that hit the western financial markets in 2008 has led to a severe global economic recession, which impacted and is still impacting migrants and migration policies worldwide. Despite the growing vulnerability of migrants, remittances have remained stable during and after the global economic downturn. Indeed, they continue to be a significant source of income for families and play a crucial role of co-insurance or risk mitigation in times of hardship. Moreover, remittances have proven to ...

I dette notat behandles Kommissionens forslag om indførelse af omfattende makroøkonomisk konditionalitet inden for samhørighedspolitikken. Dette ville i alt væsentligt gøre finansieringen af samhørighedspolitikken afhængig af, om de europæiske regler for økonomisk styring overholdes. I dette notat konstateres det, at en sådan konditionalitet ville være en fordel for den økonomiske styring, men at den sandsynligvis vil få negative følger for samhørighedspolitikken. Endvidere er det tvivlsomt, om Kommissionens ...

Since 1959, Member States have concluded over 1 500 Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) with recipient countries. Worldwide there are over 2 500 BITs between countries. The Lisbon Treaty has now transferred responsibility from MS to EU level.

New Global Monetary System

Indgående analyse 14-01-2011

This compilation of briefing papers was written by two members of the expert panel to the Special Committee on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis. Its aim is to support the committee discussions on key questions arising from the crisis and thus feed into the preparations of the final report. The briefing papers take a look on the previous experiences of world monetary systems such as Bretton Woods and the current exchange rate misalignment as well as taking into account the influence of modern ...

Within the context of persisting international imbalances and a lingering crisis, there has been increased focus on the exchange rates between major economic areas, taking for example the heated debate between the US and China and unilateral action by numerous countries. It currently seems that a quantitative easing boom is back on the agenda globally. Inevitably, such policy actions will have effects on the global flows of capital and trade and have already attracted strong criticism from some emerging ...

A workshop on "The impact of the crisis on New Member States" was held in the European Parliament in Brussels on 1 March 2010. This document contains the programme, a summary of discussions, background papers and presentations of that workshop.