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EU-faktablade 01-06-2017

Den europæiske fødevaresikkerhedspolitik har to formål: at beskytte menneskers sundhed og forbrugernes interesser og at sikre, at EU's indre marked fungerer efter hensigten. EU sikrer således, at der fastsættes kontrolstandarder — og at disse overholdes — på området for foder- og fødevarehygiejne, dyresundhed, plantesundhed og forebyggelse af fødevareforurening fra eksterne stoffer. Unionen regulerer endvidere mærkningskravene for fødevare- og foderstofprodukter.

The study was commissioned by TA-SWISS and conducted by the Institute of Applied Ecology (Freiburg, D). It was subsequently trans-lated by STOA into English. STOA gratefully acknowledges the chance to make it available for discussion in the European Parliament. All rights of the original publication in German continue to be held by vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich. All rights of this edition in English are held by the European Parliament. Abstarct The study by the Centre for Technology ...

Welcome Package on Food Safety

Studie 15-07-2009

In June 2009 a new European Parliament has been elected for a five year term, which will run from 2009 to 2014. This study, commissioned by the European Parliament, is part of a 'Welcome Package' for newly elected MEPs in the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee. This Welcome Package proposes a road map for Food Safety legislation in this mandate of the European Parliament (2009-2014). Past legislation is outlined, with a description of legislation currently in the approval process ...