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The EU has adopted a regulation introducing new rules on fisheries control. The act amends five regulations, of which Council Regulation (EC) 1224/2009 (the Control Regulation) forms the core of the EU fisheries control system. The revision is the result of a long process. In May 2018, the European Commission tabled the proposal as the last major component of the 2013 revision of the common fisheries policy. The European Parliament and the Council adopted their positions in March and June 2021 respectively ...

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is widely recognised as a significant environmental, economic and social problem. It represents a major threat to marine ecosystems, a disruption for the seafood market, and an unfair disadvantage for responsible fishermen. Combatting IUU fishing has become a key means for achieving sustainable management of global fisheries. While the root cause of IUU fishing is states' failure to discipline vessels operating under their flag, tackling this phenomenon ...

New EU rules on fisheries control

Oversigt 03-03-2021

Fisheries control aims to ensure compliance with the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), and is therefore a key condition for its success. The EU control system is currently under revision, with a European Commission proposal intended to modernise the monitoring of fisheries activities, improve enforcement and update the rules in line with the latest CFP reform. Parliament's vote on the revision is scheduled for the March I part-session.

Fiskerikontrol og håndhævelse af reglerne har til formål at sikre en korrekt anvendelse af forordningerne om fiskeri og om nødvendigt at sørge for, at reglerne efterleves. Med hensyn hertil deles kompetenceområder og ansvar mellem medlemsstaterne, Kommissionen og operatørerne. Der kan indledes traktatbrudsprocedure mod medlemsstater, der ikke efterlever reglerne.

Der blev for første gang formuleret er fælles fiskeripolitik i Romtraktaten. Oprindeligt var den forbundet med landbrugspolitikken, men med tiden er den i stigende grad blevet uafhængig. Det primære mål med den fælles fiskeripolitik, som blev revideret i 2002, er at sikre et bæredygtigt fiskeri og garantere fiskerne en indtægt og stabil beskæftigelse. Der blev indført adskillige ændringer af fiskeripolitikken med Lissabontraktaten. I 2013 nåede Rådet og Parlamentet til enighed om en nye fælles fiskeripolitik ...

Responsibility for controlling and enforcing the rules under the common fisheries policy (CFP) lies primarily with the Member States. With a proposal for a revision of the EU regulatory framework on fisheries control possible in 2017, the EP is set to give its views on the importance of uniform implementation of control measures across the Union.

Based in Vigo (Spain), the European Fisheries Control Agency was established in 2005 to support enforcement of the rules applicable under the EU Common Fisheries Policy. The Agency fosters cooperation between national authorities and coordinates the operational side of specific joint deployments of national inspections and controls of fishing and fishing-related activities, both at sea and on land. It also contributes to training, the provision of inspection handbooks and the promotion of best practice ...

This briefing note presents an overview of Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) infringement procedures and imposed sanctions throughout the European Union. It identifies potential risks in the ways different Member States follow-up on infringements, thus undermining compliance of CFP rules. The study recommends that Member States enhance cooperation on inspecting fisheries and sanctioning infringements, ensure an effective system for following-up and impose deterrent sanctions to avoid recidivism.