
Ihre Ergebnisse

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Cannabis is by far the most commonly used illicit drug (referred to as drug in this briefing) in the European Union (EU), where its distribution, cultivation, possession and use (consumption) are largely prohibited. The prohibition of drug-related activities other than those performed for medical or scientific purposes is the defining feature of the international drug control system. Set up by the United Nations (UN), this system is composed of three complementary conventions, to which all EU Member ...

Maternity and paternity leave in the EU

Auf einen Blick 28-02-2023

This infographic aims to present the current maternity and paternity leave situation in EU Member States. Most EU countries also grant an additional period of parental leave, but parental leave is not covered in this infographic.

Armut, Ungleichheit und soziale Ausgrenzung sind in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägt. Die Infografik zeigt auf Grundlage von Daten aus dem Jahre 2014, wer gefährdet ist, wie gleichmäßig das verfügbare Einkommen verteilt ist und wieviel Geld die EU-Staaten für spezifische Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Armut und sozialer Ausgrenzung aufwenden. Dies ist die aktualisierte Fassung eines Dokuments, welches im Dezember 2014 veröffentlicht wurde.

The distribution of poverty, inequality and social exclusion varies significantly across EU Member States. Based on 2013 data, this infographic shows who is at risk, how equally disposable income is distributed,and how much EU countries spend on specific measures to combat poverty and social exclusion.

Unemployment and Labour Market Support

Auf einen Blick 07-10-2014

Labour Market Supports are government interventions that provide financial assistance to individuals in difficult labour market circumstances: to compensate them for loss of wage or salary and to support them during job search, or to facilitate early retirement. Long-term unemployed are those who were registered as unemployed throughout the last 12 months.

Cloud computing: a potential job boost

Auf einen Blick 08-11-2012

The European Commission published its strategy on cloud computing on 27 September 2012. It predicts annual gains of €160 billion to EU GDP and the creation of 2.5 million new jobs by 2020, if the strategy is fully implemented. However, a number of obstacles could slow down progress.