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The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) was created in 2006 to finance active labour market policies targeting workers who have lost their jobs because of trade adjustment. The fund was subsequently modified in 2009 to cover major structural changes triggered by the economic and financial crisis. The rules of the EGF are laid down in EU Regulation (EU) No 1309/2013, which stipulates that the fund will continue to be financed until 31 December 2020. In May 2018, the European Commission submitted ...

Following the European Council's additional guidelines of March 2018, the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) have started discussions on their future relationship after Brexit. The aim is to agree on a political framework for their future partnership by autumn 2018, to be adopted alongside the withdrawal agreement. Conclusion of a treaty or treaties establishing future EU-UK relations will only take place after the UK leaves the Union and becomes a third country. Both parties have expressed ...

Mit dem Urteil des EuGH in der Rechtssache Schrems vom Oktober 2015 wurde nicht nur der Beschluss der Kommission über einen „sicheren Hafen“ für EU-US-Datenübertragungen für ungültig erklärt, sondern es wurden auch einige entscheidende Anforderungen in Bezug auf die Grundsätze des EU-Datenschutzes klargestellt. In weniger als einem Jahr seit dem Urteil des EuGH hat die Kommission einen neuen Angemessenheits-be¬schluss angenommen, in dem der neue Rechtsrah-men für die EU-US-Datenübertragung, der Datenschutz ...

Long-term economic trends have transformed the world trading scene and, as underlined by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in his 2017 State of the Union address, new challenges make it essential to strengthen the European trade agenda. In line with the 'trade for all' strategy, EU trade policy follows four main objectives: concluding balanced trade agreements, implementing the agreements in force effectively, tackling unfair trade practices and promoting a sustainable approach to ...

The EU-US agreement on insurance and reinsurance was signed in September 2017. It aims at eliminating some key trade barriers in the sector, in particular collateral and local presence requirements. The agreement also tackles the issue of supervisory authority and exchange of information. The European Parliament is due to vote on giving its consent to the Council for the conclusion of the agreement during its February II plenary session.

Trade liberalisation is generally expected to bring net welfare gains to the domestic economy by reallocating resources to more productive firms or to industries with a comparative advantage. However, these gains are not always distributed evenly and can involve transitional costs for certain firms and workers. Trade adjustment measures are designed to compensate for these costs. The literature proposes mainly active labour policies (including training and other measures for re-employment) for dealing ...

The EU neighbourhood is undergoing deep transformations and this raises debate on how best to establish trade relations with neighbouring partners, like Turkey and the Eastern Partnership countries (such as Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia). Moreover, Brexit will entail the reorganisation of EU-UK relations, which will shake up cross-border trade flows. The EU can negotiate two basic types of trade agreement granting preferential market access to partners’ goods: free trade agreements (FTAs) and customs ...

In dieser Studie werden die Interaktionen zwischen den Handelsstrukturen auf EU-Ebene und auf regionaler Ebene sowie die Trends im verarbeitenden Gewerbe der EU einerseits und der Einfluss der industriellen und regionalen Wettbewerbsfaktoren auf den Handel und die industrielle Entwicklung andererseits untersucht. Die Studie enthält insbesondere eine Übersicht über die Theorien über die Einflussfaktoren der Handelsspezialisierung und die Rolle des Handels hinsichtlich Wachstum und Ungleichheiten und ...

This Cost of Non-Europe Report, prepared for the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade, analyses the economic added value of international trade. Aimed at feeding into on-going debates about the roles of globalisation and the rules-based multilateral trade system, it presents an overview of key trade theories, global trade patterns and the arguments for opening and restricting international trade. It analyses distributional consequences of such trade, the role of global value chains ...

Nach einer öffentlichen Anhörung über Reformvorschläge zum Investitionsschutz und zur Investor-Streitbeilegung im Rahmen der transatlantischen Handels- und Investitionspartnerschaft (TTIP) mit den Vereinigten Staaten forderte das Europäische Parlament, das traditionelle Schiedsgerichtssystem durch ein neues Gerichtssystem zu ersetzen. Die Europäische Kommission und Kanada handelten daraufhin die entsprechenden Bestimmungen des umfassenden Wirtschafts- und Handelsabkommens (CETA) neu aus, um eine ...