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On 30 June 2022, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the conclusion of negotiations on a comprehensive EU-New Zealand free trade agreement (FTA). The 2014-2019 Commission had initially aimed to finalise negotiations before the end of its mandate in late 2019. However, both sides raised several sensitive issues during negotiations, not least because New Zealand is a major and competitive producer and exporter of agricultural goods. The ...

Russia's war on Ukraine: EU trade policy

Auf einen Blick 13-05-2022

The EU has joined partners at the World Trade Organization in imposing import and export bans and other trade restrictions to punish Russian and Belarussian elites and degrade Russia's military and industrial capacity. Now it is proposing to support Ukraine by temporarily scrapping all tariffs and quotas on Ukrainian imports.

Russia's war on Ukraine: US response

Auf einen Blick 28-04-2022

The United States imposed a battery of sanctions and multilateral measures on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine, while also providing Ukraine and its EU neighbours with military, economic and humanitarian aid.

International condemnation of Moscow's war on Ukraine has reached far beyond Europe, as evidenced by overwhelming support for a United Nations (UN) resolution condemning the invasion. Several countries have gone further and joined the EU in adopting sanctions against Russia or sending military aid to Ukraine.

The contemporary federal state of Canada was formed in 1867, when the Province of Canada merged through confederation with two other British colonies in North America, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Canada's 1867 constitution sets out the rules by which the country is governed and divides government responsibilities into three separate branches: parliament, executive and judiciary. In addition to being a federation, Canada is also a representative democracy and a constitutional monarchy. Queen Elizabeth ...

Australia, which is bordered to its west by the Indian Ocean and to the east by the Pacific Ocean, and lies in close proximity to members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to its north, can be described as a central Indo-Pacific state. Since 2012, the idea of the Indo-Pacific has become a point of reference for Australian governments to define the country's foreign and security policy interests. Throughout the post-war period, Australia has sought to meet its conventional security ...

Im Dezember 2020 legten die Europäische Kommission und der Hohe Vertreter und Vizepräsident (HR/VP) eine ehrgeizige Agenda für die transatlantische Zusammenarbeit mit der neuen US-Regierung unter Joe Biden und Kamala Harris vor. Darauf folgte ein Gipfeltreffen EU-USA am 15. Juni 2021, bei dem neue Formen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen der EU und den USA auf den Weg gebracht wurden. Die unvorhergesehenen außenpolitischen Entwicklungen, die seither eingetreten sind, haben jedoch Fragen zur Zukunft dieser ...

China has ratified numerous legally binding international agreements. Like other countries, it has a strong incentive to commit itself in this way: international agreements are a means of binding other treaty parties; strengthening international standing; creating a favourable legal framework for trade and investment; and, such as with the 1984 Sino-British Declaration on Hong Kong, settling territorial questions. At the same time, China has been careful to avoid making commitments in two areas in ...

Bilateral trade: EU-US Explainer

Auf einen Blick 28-07-2021

The EU and the US are each other's biggest economic partners, but have not yet been able to conclude a free trade agreement. Politically sensitive bilateral trade issues include US access to EU agricultural markets, EU access to US public procurement markets, data privacy regulations, climate policies, and taxation and regulation of major − chiefly American − digital service providers in the EU market.

Seit Joe Biden im Januar 2021 Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten wurde, sind in den transatlantischen Beziehungen deutlich ein neuer Enthusiasmus sowie eine Zunahme der politischen Tätigkeit zu beobachten. In dieser Studie werden drei wichtige Politikbereiche behandelt, die auf der rasch anwachsenden politischen Tagesordnung des transatlantischen Raums stehen. Dabei wird untersucht, inwieweit im Rahmen dieser Bereiche das Potenzial besteht, während der Amtszeit von Joe Biden neue „globale Gemeingüter ...