
Ihre Ergebnisse

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Sanctions have become an increasingly central element of the EU's common and foreign security policy. At present, the EU has over 50 sanctions programmes in place, concerning nearly 40 countries. Unlike the comprehensive trade embargoes used in the past, the EU has moved towards asset freezes and visa bans targeting individual persons and companies, aiming to influence foreign governments while avoiding humanitarian costs for the general population. Other measures in the sanctions 'toolkit' include ...

Die Achtung der Grundfreiheiten und der Menschenrechte ist ein Grundwert der EU, den sie durch ihre Politik fördert. Mit dem Sacharow-Preis des Europäischen Parlaments wird die Tätigkeit der Personen gewürdigt, die sich für die Achtung dieser Freiheiten und Rechte einsetzen. In Zeiten, in denen der Frieden und die Menschenrechte zunehmend bedroht sind, ist die Verleihung dieses Preises wichtiger denn je. Dieses Jahr wurde er posthum Jina Mahsa Amini sowie der Bewegung „Frauen, Leben, Freiheit“ im ...

Russia's war on Ukraine has caused the European Union (EU) to intensify its work for peace and security. The Peace and Security Outlook, produced by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), seeks to analyse and explain the European Union's contribution to the promotion and restoration of peace and security internationally, through its various external policies. This study provides an overview of the issues and current state of play. It looks first at the concept of peace and the changing ...

Die Palästinensische Exekutivbehörde (oder Palästinensische Behörde) ist das Leitungsgremium der autonomen palästinensischen Regionen Westjordanland und Gazastreifen, das 1994 im Rahmen des zwischen Israel und der Palästinensischen Befreiungsorganisation (PLO) abgeschlossenen Friedensabkommens von Oslo gegründet wurde. Die Beziehungen zwischen der Palästinensischen Behörde und Israel sind besonders angespannt, insbesondere seit dem Amtsantritt der neuen israelischen Regierung im Dezember 2022. Die ...

EU relations with Iran

Briefing 31-01-2023

Even though the EU and Iran have worked together over the past 4 years to save the nuclear agreement known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), relations between the two sides have reached a new low. The EU is concerned about the acceleration of Iran's nuclear programme in violation of the JCPOA and the country's reluctance to cooperate fully with the International Atomic Energy Agency. In addition, the Iranian authorities' violent crackdown on and execution of peaceful protesters has ...

Enhanced and more focused cooperation between the European Union (EU) and member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has become a priority for the EU, with a view to jointly addressing a series of global and regional challenges. Building on strong ties established over decades of a close trading and investment relationship, the EU is now seeking to put relations on a more secure footing, with new impetus and a much broader scope. A joint communication on a strategic partnership with the ...

Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj ersuchte im April 2022 zunächst den Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten (USA) und das Weiße Haus darum, Russland in die Liste der als dem Terrorismus Vorschub leistenden Staaten aufzunehmen. Seitdem hat er den Aufruf an Regierungen auf der ganzen Welt ausgeweitet. Sowohl das US-Repräsentantenhaus als auch der Senat haben Resolutionen verabschiedet, in denen der Außenminister Antony Blinken aufgefordert wird, Russland in die Liste aufzunehmen, was er bislang ...

For the past two weeks, Iran has seen massive protests over the death in police custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, a Kurdish woman arrested for allegedly violating Iran's compulsory veiling laws. Protests have spread to more than 150 cities across Iran, including universities. The government has reacted violently to the protests, leading to at least 75 deaths and over a thousand arrests. Iranians are protesting not just against Amini's death, but also against an increasingly repressive regime that ...

Russia's war on Ukraine has now been going on for 6 months. Ukraine's citizens have paid the highest price to defend the country's independence. The EU and Western allies are supporting the country diplomatically, financially and militarily. In early September, the Ukrainian army liberated important areas of the country. The European Parliament will use its powers of oversight in the revived 'question time' during the September plenary session, to question the High Representative/Vice-President of ...

Nuclear weapons pose an existential threat to humanity. Russia's threat to use nuclear weapons in the context of its war on Ukraine has been a stark reminder that this threat is real. At present, nine states are known to have military nuclear programmes. Over recent years, tensions among nuclear-armed states have increased, leading to 'outright strategic rivalry and competition' among several of them. Moreover, experts are concerned that the 'fabric of international institutions, treaties, and norms ...