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Irrigation in EU agriculture

Briefing 13-12-2019

Irrigation is the provision of water to help crops grow when rainfall is not sufficient. While new farming methods and technologies allow some types of crops to be grown without soil, a certain amount of water is needed to grow any kind of crop. In today's economy, agriculture is one of the sectors that consumes the most water resources. Irrigation is the major cause of water consumption in agriculture. It contributes to increasing crop productivity, but it is also a threat to the preservation of ...

This ‘Cost of Non-Europe’ report examines the state of implementation of current EU Water Legislation and identifies the cost of the lack of further European action in this field. The assessment made of existing water legislation confirms that there are still implementation gaps and areas of poor performance. The examination of five case studies, where it was believed that a significant potential exists for further EU action, served to demonstrate that there are several barriers which hinder the ...

The upcoming Blueprint on Europe’s waters triggered the Coordinators of the ENVI Committee to request a study and workshop on the state and challenges of Europe’s waters. The following document is a summary of the proceedings of the workshop. The workshop included presentations and discussions with MEPs and experts on water-management and policy.

Das Ziel dieser Studie besteht darin, die derzeitige Lage in Bezug auf die europäischen Süßwasserressourcen zu veranschaulichen und zukünftige Herausforderungen aufzuzeigen. Zunächst wird die aktuelle Wasserverfügbarkeit und -qualität mit den Aspekten Klimawandel, Energie, Finanzierung und Naturschutz verknüpft. Im Anschluss daran werden derzeitige Probleme und Herausforderungen in Bezug auf Wassereffizienz, Landnutzung, wirtschaftspolitische Instrumente, Kenntnisstand, staatliches Handeln, globale ...

Analyse of environmental legislative, air quality, water quality, waste management, biodiversity, natural hazards and climate change in the FYRM.

The world water scarcity problem - recently discussed at the 3rd World Water Forum (Kyoto, 16 to 23 March 2003) - is the cause of illness among more than 1 billion people and of the death of millions every year, through both the lacks of drinkable water and adequate sanitation. This report tries to address this world water scarcity problem, the most important human problem of the XXI century and will describe the position of international organisations and institutions, will describe the situation ...

EU water policy is at a critical crossroad. Following more than two decades of environmental water policy a new framework directive is being discussed in the EU institutions that will shape both the Commission’s and national efforts in the field of water for years to come. Past EU water directives have had momentous effects in transforming organisations/institutions and approaches in Member States and promoting technological progress in pollution control. Europe’s water bodies, however, steadily ...