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Kurzdarstellungen zur EU 01-09-2017

Der Sport ist ein Bereich, für den die Europäische Union noch nicht sehr lange verantwortlich ist, und zwar erst mit Inkrafttreten des Vertrags von Lissabon im Dezember 2009. Die EU ist dafür zuständig, eine faktengestützte Politik zu entwickeln, die Zusammenarbeit zu stärken und Initiativen zur Förderung von körperlicher Betätigung und Sport in ganz Europa zu verwalten. Für den Zeitraum von 2014 bis 2020 wurde zum ersten Mal im Rahmen des Programms Erasmus+ eigens eine Haushaltslinie zur Unterstützung ...

This document summarises the presentations and discussions taking place at the workshop organised by Policy Department A on the role of education and sport in the fight against cancer, held at the European Parliament in Brussels in July 2016. The aim of the workshop for the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety was to provide background information and highlight ways in which sport and physical activity can be promoted to help reduce the overall impact of cancer. Firstly the scientific ...

Sportpolitik der EU: Ein Überblick

Eingehende Analyse 03-09-2015

Sport ist ein Gebiet, auf dem die Zuständigkeiten der EU neu sind. Der im Dezember 2009 in Kraft getretene Vertrag von Lissabon verleiht der Union eine unterstützende Zuständigkeit, was bedeutet, dass rechtsverbindliche Maßnahmen ausgeschlossen sind. Weiter begrenzt werden die Eingriffsmöglichkeiten der EU durch die Notwendigkeit, der Sonderstellung des Sports Rechnung zu tragen und die Unabhängigkeit von Sportorganisationen zu wahren, die traditionell für die Regulierung und Organisation ihres Sports ...

The EU and sport

Briefing 18-02-2010

Sport is very popular among EU citizens, not only as an activity, but also as entertainment. However, the growing commercialisation of sport has challenged its social, educational and cultural dimensions. Until 1st December 2009, sport was not mentioned in the Treaties. The Community's involvement in sport has thus been based on existing policies (e.g. audiovisual or health). Moreover, the case law of the Court of Justice (e.g. Bosman) has played a major role in clarifying the impact on sport of ...

The study reviews the present state of school physical education by addressing curriculum time allocation, status of the subject, curriculum thematic aims and content, resources (material and human) and gender, disability and ethnic minority issues. Particular attention is paid to physical education, sport and health partnership pathways through references to national case studies. The author provides templates of principles for quality physical education and physical education teacher education ...

The European Union and Sport

Briefing 15-06-2004

More than one third of Europe's citizens participate in sporting activities and many aspects of the Union's policies influence the sporting world in areas such as free movement of persons, competition policy, media policy and health policy. However, it was only after 1997, with the inclusion of a Declaration on Sport in the Amsterdam Treaty that the European Union started to deal with sport from angles which were not purely economic. The briefing deals with these topics in detail.